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Ms. Christine M Rappa

Home >Ms. Christine M Rappa


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Ms. Christine M Rappa
Gender: F
Provider License Number If Given: 44SC05400400

NPI Information:

NPI: 1578609046
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 1/30/2007

Last Update Date: 1/24/2021

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 113 EDGEWOOD RD
Cranford, NJ 07016
Phone Number: 3474181420
Fax Number:

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 1071 JULIA ST
Elizabeth, NJ 07201
Phone Number: 9084365627
Fax Number:

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 1041S0200X
Secondary (if any): 1041C0700X
State: NJ

Top Doctors in NJ


About Ms. Christine M Rappa

Ms. Christine M Rappa (MS. CHRISTINE M RAPPA ) is Definition Social Worker Physician in Elizabeth, NJ. The NPI Number for Ms. Christine M Rappa is 1578609046.
The current location address for Ms. Christine M Rappa is 1071 JULIA ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201 and the contact number is 3474181420 and fax number is . The mailing address for Ms. Christine M Rappa is 113 EDGEWOOD RD Cranford, NJ 07016- 9084365627 (mailing address contact number - 3474181420).
Definition to come...

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Ms. Christine M Rappa ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Ms. Christine M Rappa is 1578609046

Where is Ms. Christine M Rappa located?

Answer: Ms. Christine M Rappa is located at 1071 JULIA ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201.

What is the specialty for Ms. Christine M Rappa ?

Answer: The Specialty of Ms. Christine M Rappa is Definition Social Worker Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Ms. Christine M Rappa ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Elizabeth, NJ?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

More Providers in Elizabeth , NJ

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Labib E. Riachi
Obstetrics & Gynecology Physician
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Address: 240 WILLIAMSON ST SUITE 304 Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9082822000
Dr. Richard A Inacio
NPI Number: 1447201025
Address: 701 NEWARK AVE SUITE LL-10 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083556460
Ms. Miyoko Newton Bell
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
NPI Number: 1902850621
Address: 225 WILLIAMSON STREET, 2 S TRINITAS ANESTHESIA ASSOCIATES LLC Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089945000
Syed Ali Jaffry Llc
Infectious Disease Physician
NPI Number: 1518913441
Address: 240 WILLIAMSON ST SUITE 305 Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083536668
Morris Family Medical Center
Legal Medicine
NPI Number: 1356397822
Address: 609 MORRIS AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083511700
Mrs. Maria Sheila Rasonabe Sto Domingo
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1790731370
Address: 560 NEWARK AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083553358
Chi-Hsiung Lin
Internal Medicine Physician
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Address: 240 WILLIAMSON ST SUITE 506 Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089650234
Fred L. Steinbaum
NPI Number: 1184661233
Address: 225 WILLIAMSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089948531
Dr. Danilo Magallanes Guinto
Pediatrics Physician
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Address: 144 CHILTON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9086590429
Abraham Wenger
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1487693198
Address: 142 PALISADE RD SUITE 200 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 2017985551
Mr. Vinay Ramesh Patel
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
NPI Number: 1912946526
Address: 226 WILLIAMSON ST DEPT. OF ANESTHESIA, 2ND FLOOR Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089945390
Elizabeth Emergency Physicians, L.L.C.
Emergency Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1427098763
Address: 225 WILLIAMSON STREET Elizabeth, NJ 07207 , Phone: 9082575000
Vincent E. Salerno
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Address: 225 WILLIAMSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089948531
Dr. Brad Gurney
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Address: 615 DIVISION ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9082895646
Surgi Scripts Inc.
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Address: 32 GROVE ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083533282
Cherish Drugs Inc
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Address: 700 E JERSEY ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9083542060
Trinitas Regional Medical Center
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Address: 225 WILLIAMSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089945000
Jeffrey P. Sagalow
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Address: 520 WESTIELD AVE 106 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083512020
Manjula Vara
Anatomic Pathology Physician
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Address: TRINITAS HOSPITAL 225 WILLIAMSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07207 , Phone: 8452944339
Dr. Julie L. Kawut
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Address: 520 WESTFIELD AVENUE SUITE106 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083512727
Community Access Unlimited, Inc.
Home Health Agency
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Address: 80 W GRAND ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083543040
Open Mri Of Union County Llc
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Address: 315 ELMORA AVE STE 200 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9082821100
Dr. Baljit S Sappal
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Address: 725 N BROAD ST Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083518989
Dr. Morteza Khaladj
Foot & Ankle Surgery Podiatrist
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Address: 240 WILLIAMSON ST SUITE 200 Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083531777
Sheryl Frances Silverman
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Address: 175 ELMORA AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083526390
Gerald Silverman
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Address: 175 ELMORA AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083526390
Dr. Patrick W. Marzano
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Address: 225 WILLIAMSON ST CASE MANAGEMENT Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089945330
Dr. Thressiamma M Cholankeril
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Address: 100 GROVE ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083521738
Dr. Mathew V Cholankeril
Cardiovascular Disease Physician
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Address: 100 GROVE ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083521738
Cardiology Services Of Elizabeth
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Address: 225 WILLIAMSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089945322
Bayada Home Health Care, Inc.
Home Health Agency
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Address: 100 JEFFERSON AVE STE 302 Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9086876363
Dr. Neil L Fabricant
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 821 WESTFIELD AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083520827
Dr. Victor Hugo Pareja
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Address: 230 W JERSEY ST SUITE 304 Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9082829500
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Medik Inc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Address: 1156A E JERSEY ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9082899111
Jeffrey David Rosen
Gynecology Physician
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Address: 700 N BROAD ST SUITE 202 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 8884284588
Dr. Ritamarie I John
Nurse Practitioner
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Address: 435 ELMORA AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9086599200
Boro Healthcare Of Union, P.C.
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1316972094
Address: 1171 ELIZABETH AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9085270200
Edwin R Roman
Foot & Ankle Surgery Podiatrist
NPI Number: 1407871700
Address: 430 MORRIS AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083521400
Dr. Jerome A. Ricciardi
Foot & Ankle Surgery Podiatrist
NPI Number: 1093730392
Address: 507 RAHWAY AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083520034
Dr. Kenneth James Davis
Pediatrics Physician
NPI Number: 1285650226
Address: 701 NEWARK AVE SUITE 212 Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083549500
Dr. Teimouraz Vassilidze
Anesthesiology Physician
NPI Number: 1649299553
Address: 225 WILLIAMSON STREET Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9089945204
Jasjit Walia
Cardiovascular Disease Physician
NPI Number: 1477573814
Address: 1150 DICKINSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9083548900
Garden State Cardiovascular Specialists P.C
Cardiovascular Disease Physician
NPI Number: 1225059660
Address: 1150 DICKINSON ST Elizabeth, NJ 07201 , Phone: 9083548900
Wainger'S Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1326069550
Address: 605 S BROAD ST Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083542416
Better Healthcare Of Nj, Llc
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1093736993
Address: 240 WILLIAMSON ST STE 303 Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9082893494
Dr. Nan-Yi Michael Lee
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 1000 S ELMORA AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9084360100
Mr. Jung Tsung Tsai
Surgery Physician
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Address: 60 ELMORA AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07202 , Phone: 9083557659
Walgreen Eastern Co, Inc
Community/Retail Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1265447254
Address: 600 NEWARK AVE Elizabeth, NJ 07208 , Phone: 9083537443

Ms. Christine M Rappa in Other Directories

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