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Dr. Fariba Paryavi
Home >Dr. Fariba Paryavi
NPI Number Detailed Information
Provider Information:
Name: | Dr. Fariba Paryavi |
Gender: | F |
Provider License Number If Given: | 11552 |
NPI Information:
NPI: | 1427191220 |
Entity Type (Individual or Organization): |
1-ind |
Enumeration Date: | 2/14/2007 |
Last Update Date: | 7/8/2007 |
Reputation Report: |
Provider Business Mailing Address:
Address: | 11904 DARNESTOWN RD STE D North Potomac, MD 20878 |
Phone Number: | 2406838040 |
Fax Number: | 2406838041 |
Provider Business Practice Location Address:
Address: | 11904 DARNESTOWN RD STE D North Potomac, MD 20878 |
Phone Number: | 2406838040 |
Fax Number: | 2406838041 |
Provider Taxonomy:
Primary: | 1223P0221X |
Secondary (if any): | |
State: | MD |
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About Dr. Fariba Paryavi
Dr. Fariba Paryavi (DR. FARIBA PARYAVI ) is An Dentist Physician in North Potomac, MD.
The NPI Number for Dr. Fariba Paryavi is 1427191220.
The current location address for Dr. Fariba Paryavi is 11904 DARNESTOWN RD STE D North Potomac, MD 20878 and the contact number is 2406838040 and fax number is 2406838041.
The mailing address for Dr. Fariba Paryavi is 11904 DARNESTOWN RD STE D North Potomac, MD 20878- 2406838040 (mailing address contact number - 2406838040).
An age-defined specialty that provides both primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health care needs.
Provider Business Location on Map
What is the NPI Number for Dr. Fariba Paryavi ?
Answer: The NPI Number for Dr. Fariba Paryavi is 1427191220
Where is Dr. Fariba Paryavi located?
Answer: Dr. Fariba Paryavi is located at 11904 DARNESTOWN RD STE D North Potomac, MD 20878.
What is the specialty for Dr. Fariba Paryavi ?
Answer: The Specialty of Dr. Fariba Paryavi is An Dentist Physician.
Are there any online reviews for Dr. Fariba Paryavi ?
Answer: Yes! Check It Now.
Are there any other health care providers in North Potomac, MD?
Answer: Yes, there are given below...
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