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Dr. Hilton M Hudson II

Home >Dr. Hilton M Hudson II


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Dr. Hilton M Hudson II
Gender: M
Provider License Number If Given: 44428

NPI Information:

NPI: 1689614828
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 6/7/2006

Last Update Date: 3/13/2021

Reputation Report:

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 1040 SIERRA DR STE 400
Greenwood, IN 46143
Phone Number: 3175284800
Fax Number: 3178651479

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 3500 FRANCISCAN WAY STE 400
Michigan City, IN 46360
Phone Number: 2198788200
Fax Number: 2198778331

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 208G00000X
Secondary (if any): 208G00000X
State: IN

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About Dr. Hilton M Hudson II

Dr. Hilton M Hudson II(DR. HILTON M HUDSON II) is A Thoracic Surgery (Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery) Physician in Michigan City, IN. The NPI Number for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II is 1689614828.
The current location address for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II is 3500 FRANCISCAN WAY STE 400 Michigan City, IN 46360 and the contact number is 3175284800 and fax number is 3178651479. The mailing address for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II is 1040 SIERRA DR STE 400 Greenwood, IN 46143- 2198788200 (mailing address contact number - 3175284800).
A thoracic surgeon provides the operative, perioperative and critical care of patients with pathologic conditions within the chest. Included is the surgical care of coronary artery disease, cancers of the lung, esophagus and chest wall, abnormalities of the trachea, abnormalities of the great vessels and heart valves, congenital anomalies, tumors of the mediastinum and diseases of the diaphragm. The management of the airway and injuries of the chest is within the scope of the specialty.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II?

Answer: The NPI Number for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II is 1689614828

Where is Dr. Hilton M Hudson II located?

Answer: Dr. Hilton M Hudson II is located at 3500 FRANCISCAN WAY STE 400 Michigan City, IN 46360.

What is the specialty for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II?

Answer: The Specialty of Dr. Hilton M Hudson II is A Thoracic Surgery (Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery) Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Dr. Hilton M Hudson II?

Answer: Yes! Check It Now.

Are there any other health care providers in Michigan City, IN?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners

Information on services and procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B (Medical Insurance) beneficiaries by Dr. Hilton M Hudson II

Number of HCPCS 30
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 58
Number of Services 98
Total Submitted Charge Amount 380639
Total Medicare Allowed Amount 41541.37
Total Medicare Payment Amount 33129.44
Total Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 34901.46
Drug Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Drug Services 0
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Drug Services 0
Number of Drug Services 0
Total Drug Submitted Charge Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Allowed Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Payment Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 0
Medical Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Medical Services 30
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Medical 58
Number of Medical Services 98
Total Medical Submitted Charge Amount 380639
Total Medical Medicare Allowed Amount 41541.37
Total Medical Medicare Payment Amount 33129.44
Total Medical Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 34901.46
Average Age of Beneficiaries 73
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less 65
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 24
Number of Beneficiaries Age Greater 84
Number of Female Beneficiaries 29
Number of Male Beneficiaries 29
Number of Non-Hispanic White Beneficiaries 45
Number of Black or African American Beneficiaries
Number of Asian Pacific Islander Beneficiaries 0
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Beneficiaries 0
Number of Beneficiaries With Race Not Elsewhere Classified
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare & Medicaid Entitlement
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare Only Entitlement
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Atrial Fibrillation 0.34
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia 0.19
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Asthma
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Cancer
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Heart Failure 0.66
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Kidney Disease 0.64
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 0.33
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Depression 0.26
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Diabetes 0.57
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hyperlipidemia 0.75
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hypertension 0.75
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Ischemic Heart Disease 0.75
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Osteoporosis
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis 0.41
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Schizophrenia / Other Psychotic Disorders
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Stroke
Average HCC Risk Score of Beneficiaries 1.9273

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