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Joshua Charles Moulin

Home > Joshua Charles Moulin


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Joshua Charles Moulin
Gender: M
Provider License Number If Given: T01460

NPI Information:

NPI: 1053503458
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 8/10/2007

Last Update Date: 6/30/2021

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Holton, KS 66436
Phone Number: 7853642116
Fax Number: 7853649613

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Holton, KS 66436
Phone Number: 7853642116
Fax Number: 7853649613

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 282NR1301X
Secondary (if any): 363A00000X
State: KS

Top Doctors in KS


About Joshua Charles Moulin

Joshua Charles Moulin ( JOSHUA CHARLES MOULIN ) is Definition General Acute Care Hospital Physician in Holton, KS. The NPI Number for Joshua Charles Moulin is 1053503458.
The current location address for Joshua Charles Moulin is 1110 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436 and the contact number is 7853642116 and fax number is 7853649613. The mailing address for Joshua Charles Moulin is 1110 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436- 7853642116 (mailing address contact number - 7853642116).
Definition to come...

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Joshua Charles Moulin ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Joshua Charles Moulin is 1053503458

Where is Joshua Charles Moulin located?

Answer: Joshua Charles Moulin is located at 1110 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436.

What is the specialty for Joshua Charles Moulin ?

Answer: The Specialty of Joshua Charles Moulin is Definition General Acute Care Hospital Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Joshua Charles Moulin ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Holton, KS?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners

Information on services and procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B (Medical Insurance) beneficiaries by Joshua Charles Moulin

Number of HCPCS 7
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 35
Number of Services 50
Total Submitted Charge Amount 7696
Total Medicare Allowed Amount 3923.19
Total Medicare Payment Amount 3165.94
Total Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 3264.47
Drug Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Drug Services 0
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Drug Services 0
Number of Drug Services 0
Total Drug Submitted Charge Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Allowed Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Payment Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 0
Medical Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Medical Services 7
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Medical 35
Number of Medical Services 50
Total Medical Submitted Charge Amount 7696
Total Medical Medicare Allowed Amount 3923.19
Total Medical Medicare Payment Amount 3165.94
Total Medical Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 3264.47
Average Age of Beneficiaries 80
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less 65
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84
Number of Beneficiaries Age Greater 84 14
Number of Female Beneficiaries 19
Number of Male Beneficiaries 16
Number of Non-Hispanic White Beneficiaries 35
Number of Black or African American Beneficiaries 0
Number of Asian Pacific Islander Beneficiaries 0
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries 0
Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Beneficiaries 0
Number of Beneficiaries With Race Not Elsewhere Classified 0
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare & Medicaid Entitlement 11
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare Only Entitlement 24
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Atrial Fibrillation
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia 0.34
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Asthma
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Cancer
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Heart Failure 0.4
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Kidney Disease 0.51
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 0.37
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Depression
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Diabetes 0.37
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hyperlipidemia 0.63
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hypertension 0.75
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Ischemic Heart Disease 0.37
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Osteoporosis
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis 0.49
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Schizophrenia / Other Psychotic Disorders
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Stroke
Average HCC Risk Score of Beneficiaries 2.0011

Medicare Part D Prescribers

Information on prescription drugs provided to Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage), by physicians and other health care providers, aggregated by provider.

Provider Specialty Type Physician Assistant
Source of Provider Specialty
Number of Medicare Part D Claims, Including Refills 206
Number of Standardized 30-Day Fills 292.96666667
Aggregate Cost Paid for All Claims 8341.81
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims 6592
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 95
Number of Claims, Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 171
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 255.5
Beneficiaries Age 65+ 7667.15
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims for Beneficaries Age 65+ 5972
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+ 75
Reason for Suppression of Brnd_Tot_Clms and Brnd_Tot_Drug_Cst *
Total Claims of Brand-Name Drugs
Reason for Suppression of Gnrc_Tot_Clms and Gnrc_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Generic Drugs, Including Refills 197
Aggregate Cost Paid for Generic Drugs 5212.35
Reason for Suppression of Othr_Tot_Clms and Othr_Tot_Drug_Cst #
Total Claims of Other Drugs, Including Refills
Aggregate Cost Paid for Other Drugs
Reason for Suppression of MAPD_Tot_Clmsand MAPD_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by MAPD Plans 41
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by Beneficiaries in MAPD Plans 3505.99
Reason for Suppression of PDP_Tot_Clms and PDP_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Standalone PDP Plans 165
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by 4835.82
Reason for Suppression of LIS_Tot_Clms and LIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 46
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 745.19
Reason for Suppression of NonLIS_Tot_Clms and NonLIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Not Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 160
by Low-Income Subsidy 7596.62
Total Claims of Opioid Drugs, Including 22
Aggregate Cost Paid for Opioid Drugs 381.71
Opioid Claims 19
Opioid_Tot_Clms divided by the Tot_Clms 10.67961165
Total Claims of Long-Acting Opioid Drugs 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for Long-Acting Opioid 0
Number of Day's Supply of All Long-Acting 0
Long-Acting Opioid Claims 0
Opioid_LA_Tot_Clms divided by the 0
Total Claims of Antibiotic Drugs, Including 40
Aggregate Cost Paid for Antibiotic Drugs 677.07
Antibiotic Claims 38
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Clms and Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Drug_Cst
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for AntipsychoticDrugs for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 0
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Benes
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+Filling Antipsychotic Claims 0
Average Age of Beneficiaries 71.957894737
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less Than 65
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 33
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 32
Number of Female Beneficiaries 63
Number of Male Beneficiaries 32
Number of Non-Hispanic White 87
Number of Black or African American 0
Number of Asian Pacific Islander 0
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaskan NativeBeneficiaries
Number of Beneficiaries with Race Not
Only Entitlement 67
Average Hierarchical Condition Category 1.4509614708

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Address: 1100 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642114
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Family Medicine Physician
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Address: 1100 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853652116
Ann'S Home Health Agency Inc
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Address: 424A PENNSYLVANIA AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642952
Dr. Aaron Lee Cheney
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Address: 928 W 6TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644151
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Medicalodges, Inc.
Skilled Nursing Facility
NPI Number: 1457385882
Address: 1121 W 7TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643164
Rural Health Resources Of Jackson Co Inc
Home Health Agency
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Address: 1100 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853649617
Walmart Inc.
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Address: 427 S ARIZONA AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644619
Holton Usd 336 Holton Special Education Cooperative
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Address: 125 W 4TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643101
Edward D Mckenzie
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Address: 928 W 6TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644151
Michelle Mulkey
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Phillip John Wassenberg
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Lisa Moore
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Michael Roth
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Sarah Wrench
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Debra Ashcraft
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Jon Fetterhoof
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Rhonda Thomas
Physical Therapy Assistant
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Barbara Wheeler
Physical Therapy Assistant
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Michael Kevin Engelken
Family Medicine Physician
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Ms. Heather L Myers
Family Nurse Practitioner
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Address: 1603 W 4TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643205
Rural Health Resources Of Jackson Co Inc
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Address: 1100 COLUMBINE DR SUITE A Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642114
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Address: 433 NEW YORK AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853645036
Dr. Jerry E Young
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Address: 208 WEST 4TH STREET Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644636
Jerry E. Young, D.D.S., P.A.
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 208 WEST 4TH STREET Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644636
Dr. Gary Lee Petry
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Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642126
Medicalodges, Inc.
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NPI Number: 1225125487
Address: 100 TOPEKA AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643840
Medicalodges. Inc.
Home Health Agency
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Address: 410 JUNIPER DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853645051
Dr. Steven Patrick Buck
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Address: 928 W 6TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644151
Edward D. Mckenzie
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Address: 928 W 6TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644151
Wesley R Clark, Od & Nicole L Meerpohl, Od
NPI Number: 1265581771
Address: 111 W 4TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644183
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Jackson County Resource Center, Inc
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Address: 625 VERMONT AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643534
Jackson County Resource Center, Inc
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Address: 625 VERMONT AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643534
Jackson County Resource Center, Inc
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Rural Health Resources Of Jackson Co Inc
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NPI Number: 1427177252
Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
William E. Kinkade III
Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1528180734
Address: 1110 COLUMBINE DRIVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853642116
Quest Services, Inc.
Intellectual Disabilities Intermediate Care Facility
NPI Number: 1821212796
Address: 925 PENNSYLVANIA AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644643
Hartford, Inc.
Intellectual Disabilities Intermediate Care Facility
NPI Number: 1467677807
Address: 925 PENNSYLVANIA AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644643
Rn Care Service'S, Inc.
Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility
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Address: 725 IOWA AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643314
Nasco, Inc.
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1073732731
Address: 104 W 5TH ST STE 1 Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853626101
Jackson County Resource Center
Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Community Based Residential Treatment Facility
NPI Number: 1962622027
Address: 625 VERMONT AVE Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643534
Gallagher Eye Care Of Holton
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Address: 121 W 4TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853645000
Alex C Gilliland
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Address: 1100 COLUMBINE DR Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853643038
Rainbow Hill Family Practice
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Address: 713 W 7TH ST Holton, KS 66436 , Phone: 7853644445

Joshua Charles Moulin in Other Directories

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