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Ncti And Human Services

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NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Ncti And Human Services
Provider License Number If Given: 99242

NPI Information:

NPI: 1033307483
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 10/11/2007

Last Update Date: 10/11/2007

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 215 US HIGHWAY 64 W
Plymouth, NC 27962
Phone Number: 2527910030
Fax Number: 2527910060

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 215 US HIGHWAY 64 W
Plymouth, NC 27962
Phone Number: 2527910030
Fax Number: 2527910060

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 305R00000X
Secondary (if any):
State: NC

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About Ncti And Human Services

Ncti And Human Services ( NCTI AND HUMAN SERVICES ) is A Preferred Provider Organization Provider in Plymouth, NC. The NPI Number for Ncti And Human Services is 1033307483.
The current location address for Ncti And Human Services is 215 US HIGHWAY 64 W Plymouth, NC 27962 and the contact number is 2527910030 and fax number is 2527910060. The mailing address for Ncti And Human Services is 215 US HIGHWAY 64 W Plymouth, NC 27962- 2527910030 (mailing address contact number - 2527910030).
A group of physicians and/or hospitals who contract with an employer to provide services to their employees. In a PPO, the patient may got to the physician of his/her choice, even if that physician does not participate in the PPO, but the patient receives care at a lower benefit level.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Ncti And Human Services ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Ncti And Human Services is 1033307483

Where is Ncti And Human Services located?

Answer: Ncti And Human Services is located at 215 US HIGHWAY 64 W Plymouth, NC 27962.

What is the specialty for Ncti And Human Services ?

Answer: The Specialty of Ncti And Human Services is A Preferred Provider Organization Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Ncti And Human Services ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Plymouth, NC?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

More Providers in Plymouth , NC

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Lindsey L White
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1710931993
Address: 983 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527931010
David Lauren Fitzgerald Od Pa
NPI Number: 1700833175
Address: 795 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527932103
Ms. Florence E Mehalic
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1811935547
Address: 106 E WATER ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527936500
Cah Acquisition Company 1 Llc
Rural Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1821038837
Address: 1006 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527937701
Washington Regional Medical Center
NPI Number: 1053351031
Address: 958 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Cah Acquisition Company 1 Llc
Emergency Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1457391542
Address: 958 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Cah Acquisition Company 1 Llc
Medicare Defined Swing Bed Hospital Unit
NPI Number: 1225078322
Address: 958 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Roanoke Medical Center
General Practice Physician
NPI Number: 1558307116
Address: 1004 HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934500
Tar River Ltc Group, Llc
Respite Care
NPI Number: 1285660787
Address: 1084 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527932100
Dr. Chester Lee Conner
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1619907227
Address: 363 HIGHWAY 64 WEST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527935942
Dr. Jean Louis Pare
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1144253758
Address: 1006 US HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527937731
Mr. David M. Sterling JR.
Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1326072844
Address: 958 US HWY 64 EAST P.O. WASHINGTON COUNTY HOSPITAL Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Mr. James Patrick Carter
Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1073547618
Address: 958 US HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Mr. Richard Harry Tee
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
NPI Number: 1346251964
Address: 958 U.S. HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Kerr Drug Inc
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Address: 11 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527931175
Bio-Medical Applications Of North Carolina, Inc.
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1285736470
Address: 734 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527936300
June Elizabeth Woolard
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1184720054
Address: 206 WATERS STREET Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527930372
Womble Drug Store
Community/Retail Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1205934171
Address: 454 HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527939036
Ms. Margaret Susan Cody
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
NPI Number: 1275611972
Address: 958 US HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934135
Dr. Terry Eugene Thompson
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1306917471
Address: 102 BRINKLEY PL Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527931200
Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health Department
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1639242530
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Martin-Tyrrell-Washington District Health Department
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1861566408
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
John Arlie Francis
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1891861522
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527913111
Home Life Care Inc
In Home Supportive Care Agency
NPI Number: 1114085081
Address: 567 US HIGHWAY 64 W Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527913033
Covenant Healthcare,Llc
Developmentally Disabled Services Day Training Agency
NPI Number: 1932265063
Address: 115 E WATER ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527910083
A Plus Results Independent Living Ser. Inc
Community/Behavioral Health Agency
NPI Number: 1902953334
Address: 106 E WATER ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527175983
Roanoke Developmental Center Inc
Developmentally Disabled Services Day Training Agency
NPI Number: 1316095052
Address: 609 ADAMS ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527935077
Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health Department
Community Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1104970714
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health Department
State or Local Public Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1679627293
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health Department
Case Management Agency
NPI Number: 1689728297
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Life, Inc.
Intellectual Disabilities Intermediate Care Facility
NPI Number: 1730233347
Address: 206A OLD ROPER RD Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527939177
Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health Department
Community Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1235283847
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health Department
Clinical Medical Laboratory
NPI Number: 1528112984
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Martin Tyrrell Washington District Health Department
Community Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1275687634
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933023
Life, Inc.
Intellectual Disabilities Intermediate Care Facility
NPI Number: 1578617932
Address: 1116 WILSON STREET EXT Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527936440
County Of Washington
Land Ambulance
NPI Number: 1790821817
Address: 958 US HIGHWAY 64 E Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527933523
Bridging The Gap Preferred Inc
Developmentally Disabled Services Day Training Agency
NPI Number: 1063552347
Address: 504 E 3RD ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527932209
Changing Hearts Instead Of Losing Lives, Inc
Community/Behavioral Health Agency
NPI Number: 1659413581
Address: 713 FOREST ROAD Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527910909
Provisional Hill Inc
Community/Behavioral Health Agency
NPI Number: 1174651723
Address: 808 MORRATTOCK RD SUITE 7 Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527932660
Tideland Mental Health Center- Plymouth Office
NPI Number: 1427187657
Address: 716 WASHINGTON ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527931154
Joy L Perry
Professional Counselor
NPI Number: 1770612053
Address: 412 E 3RD ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527935131
County Of Washington
Non-emergency Medical Transport (VAN)
NPI Number: 1558491860
Address: 209 E MAIN ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934041
Visions Of Nc
Community/Behavioral Health Agency
NPI Number: 1659401628
Address: 206 E WATER ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527910900
Washington County Dept Of Social Services
Case Management Agency
NPI Number: 1679603625
Address: 209 E MAIN ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527934041
Ncti Human Services
Case Management Agency
NPI Number: 1508997578
Address: 215 HWY 64 Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527910030
Covenant Healthcare Llc
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1861525768
Address: 115 E WATER ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527910083
Shirley Pelletier
Registered Dietitian
NPI Number: 1144346255
Address: 198 NC HIGHWAY 45 N Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527913100
Positive Connection
Mental Health Counselor
NPI Number: 1619095205
Address: 412 E 3RD ST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2527935131
East Carolina Foot And Ankle Specialists
NPI Number: 1356569651
Address: 958 HWY 64 EAST Plymouth, NC 27962 , Phone: 2528091500

Ncti And Human Services in Other Directories

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