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Abs Lincs Ky, Llc

Home > Abs Lincs Ky, Llc


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Abs Lincs Ky, Llc
Provider License Number If Given: 100597

NPI Information:

NPI: 1750392502
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 8/10/2006

Last Update Date: 10/17/2013

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 270 WALTON WAY
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Phone Number: 2708861919
Fax Number: 2708892186

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 270 WALTON WAY
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Phone Number: 2708861919
Fax Number: 2708892186

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 273R00000X
Secondary (if any): 323P00000X
State: KY

Top Doctors in KY


About Abs Lincs Ky, Llc

Abs Lincs Ky, Llc ( ABS LINCS KY, LLC ) is In Psychiatric Unit Provider in Hopkinsville, KY. The NPI Number for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc is 1750392502.
The current location address for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc is 270 WALTON WAY Hopkinsville, KY 42240 and the contact number is 2708861919 and fax number is 2708892186. The mailing address for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc is 270 WALTON WAY Hopkinsville, KY 42240- 2708861919 (mailing address contact number - 2708861919).
In general, a distinct unit of a hospital that provides acute or long-term care to emotionally disturbed patients, including patients admitted for diagnosis and those admitted for treatment of psychiatric problems on the basis of physicians' orders and approved nursing care plans. Long-term care may include intensive supervision to the chronically mentally ill, mentally disordered or other mentally incompetent persons; (2) For Medicare, a distinct part of a general acute care hospital admitting only patients whose admission to the unit is required for active treatment, whose treatment is of an intensity that can be provided only in an inpatient hospital setting, and whose condition is described by a psychiatric principal diagnosis contained in the Third Edition of the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual or in Chapter 5 (Mental Disorders) of the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). The unit must furnish, through the use of qualified personnel, psychological services, social work services, psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, and recreational therapy. The unit must maintain medical records that permit determination of the degree and intensity of treatment provided to individuals who are furnished services in the unit; the unit must meet special staff requirements in that the unit must have adequate numbers of qualified professional and supportive staff to evaluate inpatients, formulate written, individualized, comprehensive treatment plans, provide active treatment measures and engage in discharge planning.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc is 1750392502

Where is Abs Lincs Ky, Llc located?

Answer: Abs Lincs Ky, Llc is located at 270 WALTON WAY Hopkinsville, KY 42240.

What is the specialty for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc ?

Answer: The Specialty of Abs Lincs Ky, Llc is In Psychiatric Unit Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Abs Lincs Ky, Llc ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Hopkinsville, KY?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Pennyrile Family Physicians
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Dr. Kelly S Tate
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Dr. Alison Paige Mullins-Couch
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Donna B Dyer
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Sandra J Murphy
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Mallikarjun Kamishetti
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Mr. Russell Todd Hancock
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Address: 103 KEETON DR Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2707077376
Mrs. Carrie Jenkins Perry
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Address: 1222 SKYLINE DR Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2707077376
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Sarah Elizabeth Coats
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Address: 1222 SKYLINE DR Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2707077376
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Pennyrile Radiology, Psc
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Address: 215 W 17TH ST Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2708853414
Ob Gyn Associates, Psc
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West Kentucky Neurological Medicine, Pllc
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Address: 1721 CANTON ST Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2708855003
Richard Hunter Workman JR.
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Dr. Kristin J Dobay
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Wal-Mart Stores East Lp
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Western Kentucky Technical Imaging, Inc
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William Thomas Howard
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Address: 320 W 18TH ST Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2708870100
Kentenn Medical Psc
Allergy & Immunology Physician
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Address: 114 KEETON DR Hopkinsville, KY 42240 , Phone: 2708860829
Geeta S Chavda Md Pllc
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Dr. William Mackness Rowlett
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Dr. John A Mccubbin
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Rizwan Khan Md Psc
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Abs Lincs Ky, Llc in Other Directories

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