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Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens
Home >Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens
NPI Number Detailed Information
Provider Information:
Name: | Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens |
Gender: | F |
Provider License Number If Given: | 25956 |
NPI Information:
NPI: | 1215929013 |
Entity Type (Individual or Organization): |
1-ind |
Enumeration Date: | 8/17/2005 |
Last Update Date: | 2/27/2020 |
Reputation Report: |
Provider Business Mailing Address:
Address: | 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 |
Phone Number: | 6058359611 |
Fax Number: |
Provider Business Practice Location Address:
Address: | 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 |
Phone Number: | 6058359611 |
Fax Number: |
Provider Taxonomy:
Primary: | 207Q00000X |
Secondary (if any): | |
State: | SD |
Top Doctors in SD
About Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens
Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens (DR. ANITA ILZE INVEISS SILTUMENS ) is Family Family Medicine Physician in Gregory, SD.
The NPI Number for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens is 1215929013.
The current location address for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens is 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 and the contact number is 6058359611 and fax number is .
The mailing address for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens is 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533- 6058359611 (mailing address contact number - 6058359611).
Family Medicine is the medical specialty which is concerned with the total health care of the individual and the family. It is the specialty in breadth which integrates the biological, clinical, and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine is not limited by age, sex, organ system, or disease entity.
Provider Business Location on Map
What is the NPI Number for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens ?
Answer: The NPI Number for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens is 1215929013
Where is Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens located?
Answer: Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens is located at 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533.
What is the specialty for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens ?
Answer: The Specialty of Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens is Family Family Medicine Physician.
Are there any online reviews for Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens ?
Answer: Yes! Check It Now.
Are there any other health care providers in Gregory, SD?
Answer: Yes, there are given below...
Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners
Information on services and procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B (Medical Insurance) beneficiaries by Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens
Medicare Part D Prescribers
Information on prescription drugs provided to Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage), by physicians and other health care providers, aggregated by provider.
Provider Specialty Type | Family Practice |
Source of Provider Specialty | |
Number of Medicare Part D Claims, Including Refills | 217 |
Number of Standardized 30-Day Fills | 257.16666667 |
Aggregate Cost Paid for All Claims | 8512.73 |
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims | 6250 |
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries | 59 |
Number of Claims, Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ | 181 |
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ | 221.16666667 |
Beneficiaries Age 65+ | 8070.13 |
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims for Beneficaries Age 65+ | 5366 |
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+ | |
Reason for Suppression of Brnd_Tot_Clms and Brnd_Tot_Drug_Cst | |
Total Claims of Brand-Name Drugs | 29 |
Reason for Suppression of Gnrc_Tot_Clms and Gnrc_Tot_Drug_Cst | |
Total Claims of Generic Drugs, Including Refills | 188 |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Generic Drugs | 4194.89 |
Reason for Suppression of Othr_Tot_Clms and Othr_Tot_Drug_Cst | |
Total Claims of Other Drugs, Including Refills | 0 |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Other Drugs | 0 |
Reason for Suppression of MAPD_Tot_Clmsand MAPD_Tot_Drug_Cst | * |
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by MAPD Plans | |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by Beneficiaries in MAPD Plans | |
Reason for Suppression of PDP_Tot_Clms and PDP_Tot_Drug_Cst | # |
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Standalone PDP Plans | |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by | |
Reason for Suppression of LIS_Tot_Clms and LIS_Drug_Cst | |
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Low-Income Subsidy | 41 |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Covered by Low-Income Subsidy | 3889.93 |
Reason for Suppression of NonLIS_Tot_Clms and NonLIS_Drug_Cst | |
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Not Covered by Low-Income Subsidy | 176 |
by Low-Income Subsidy | 4622.8 |
Total Claims of Opioid Drugs, Including | |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Opioid Drugs | |
Opioid Claims | |
Opioid_Tot_Clms divided by the Tot_Clms | |
Total Claims of Long-Acting Opioid Drugs | |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Long-Acting Opioid | |
Number of Day's Supply of All Long-Acting | |
Long-Acting Opioid Claims | |
Opioid_LA_Tot_Clms divided by the | |
Total Claims of Antibiotic Drugs, Including | 28 |
Aggregate Cost Paid for Antibiotic Drugs | 187.91 |
Antibiotic Claims | 23 |
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Clms and Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Drug_Cst | |
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ | 0 |
Aggregate Cost Paid for AntipsychoticDrugs for Beneficiaries Age 65+ | 0 |
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Benes | |
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+Filling Antipsychotic Claims | |
Average Age of Beneficiaries | 71.508474576 |
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less Than 65 | |
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 | |
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 | |
Number of Female Beneficiaries | 35 |
Number of Male Beneficiaries | 24 |
Number of Non-Hispanic White | 55 |
Number of Black or African American | 0 |
Number of Asian Pacific Islander | 0 |
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries | |
Number of American Indian/Alaskan NativeBeneficiaries | |
Number of Beneficiaries with Race Not | |
Only Entitlement | 46 |
Average Hierarchical Condition Category | 1.5187329036 |
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Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Avera Mckennan
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General Practice Dentistry
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Avera Mckennan
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Home Health Agency
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Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358394
Avera Mckennan
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Address: 114 E 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358737
Marvin D Braun
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Address: 114 E 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358737
Total Renal Care
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End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Clinic/Center
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Hull Dental Health, Pc
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General Practice Dentistry
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NPI Number: 1104962794
Address: 114 E 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358737
Dr. Daniel Scott Fiebelkorn
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Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
NPI Number: 1427179902
Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
Gregory Drug, Inc
Community/Retail Pharmacy
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Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
Community/Retail Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1619185626
Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
Gregory Assisted Living
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Assisted Living Facility
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Address: 210 E 12TH STREET Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359717
James Michael Arlt
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
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Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358394
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
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Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358394
Robin E Cushing
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Medical Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1114189461
Address: 622 LOGAN AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 2532416526
Blair Sedlacek
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NPI Number: 1962651653
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Social Worker
NPI Number: 1962651653
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Silver Threads, Inc.
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Address: 210 E 12TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058329717
Assisted Living Facility
NPI Number: 1447400700
Address: 210 E 12TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058329717
Dr. Donald Eli Nemer
NPI Number: 1952554537
Address: 616 WHITTECAR AVE. Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359256
NPI Number: 1952554537
Address: 616 WHITTECAR AVE. Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359256
Lincare Inc.
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1821235789
Address: 702 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358660
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1821235789
Address: 702 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358660
Mrs. Erin A Tobin
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Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1235430042
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Fogel Clinics, Llc
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Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
NPI Number: 1801180195
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
Avera Mckennan
Medicare Defined Swing Bed Hospital Unit
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Medicare Defined Swing Bed Hospital Unit
NPI Number: 1417215740
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359394
Avera At Home
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1346660693
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355263
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1346660693
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355263
Ms. Caroline Clauson
Registered Nurse
NPI Number: 1720490881
Address: 210 DULING DR Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058302492
Registered Nurse
NPI Number: 1720490881
Address: 210 DULING DR Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058302492
Rachele J Lyons
Family Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1982084521
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1982084521
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Kellie Stukel
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1639530181
Address: 33609 US HIGHWAY 18 Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058302446
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1639530181
Address: 33609 US HIGHWAY 18 Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058302446
Avera Gregory
Critical Access Hospital
NPI Number: 1770939530
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Critical Access Hospital
NPI Number: 1770939530
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Dr. Justin Hood
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1720435068
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1720435068
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Avera Mckennan
Physical Therapy Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1326495409
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Physical Therapy Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1326495409
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Lacy Krysl
Occupational Therapist
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Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Occupational Therapist
NPI Number: 1861841710
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Klundt
Speech-Language Pathologist
NPI Number: 1104370758
Address: 1002 FELTON AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358250
Speech-Language Pathologist
NPI Number: 1104370758
Address: 1002 FELTON AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358250
Brian G Collins
Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1740728591
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1740728591
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Tanae Kartak
Occupational Therapist
NPI Number: 1487176202
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Occupational Therapist
NPI Number: 1487176202
Address: 400 PARK AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058355190
Mrs. Megan Jo Heyden
Family Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1952956328
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1952956328
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Zachary Sengelmann
Athletic Trainer
NPI Number: 1013555192
Address: 29749 340TH AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058300958
Athletic Trainer
NPI Number: 1013555192
Address: 29749 340TH AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058300958
Healing Hands, Llc
NPI Number: 1073143285
Address: 114 E 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358737
NPI Number: 1073143285
Address: 114 E 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358737
Gregory Drug, Inc
NPI Number: 1568056158
Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
NPI Number: 1568056158
Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
Dr. Anita Ilze Inveiss Siltumens
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1215929013
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1215929013
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Robert Wik
NPI Number: 1033107784
Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358980
NPI Number: 1033107784
Address: 604 MAIN ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358980
Gregory Drug
NPI Number: 1912995515
Address: 604 MAIN Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
NPI Number: 1912995515
Address: 604 MAIN Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358198
Dr. Jerry D Fogel
NPI Number: 1194795625
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
NPI Number: 1194795625
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
David E Fogel
NPI Number: 1194795633
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
NPI Number: 1194795633
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
Fogel Clinic
NPI Number: 1104896646
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
NPI Number: 1104896646
Address: 422 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358701
Melissa Bartling
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1427017607
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1427017607
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
City Of Gregory
Land Ambulance
NPI Number: 1184687071
Address: 120 W 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358058
Land Ambulance
NPI Number: 1184687071
Address: 120 W 6TH ST Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058358058
John A Malm
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1013972868
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1013972868
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Lisa A Even
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1912962788
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1912962788
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Andrew N Clark
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1932164266
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1932164266
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Richard L Kafka
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1588629760
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1588629760
Address: 405 WHITTECAR AVE Gregory, SD 57533 , Phone: 6058359611
Dr. anita Ilze inveiss-siltumens in Other Directories
Provider don't have other directory link yet.