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Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc

Home > Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc
Provider License Number If Given:

NPI Information:

NPI: 1932213998
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 8/18/2006

Last Update Date: 2/21/2013

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 323 MAIN STREET
Saco, ME 04072
Phone Number: 2072829962
Fax Number: 2072834299

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 323 MAIN STREET
Saco, ME 04072
Phone Number: 2072829962
Fax Number: 2072834299

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 1223G0001X
Secondary (if any):
State: ME

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About Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc

Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc ( BIDDEFORD SACO DENTAL ASSOC ) is A Dentist Provider in Saco, ME. The NPI Number for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc is 1932213998.
The current location address for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc is 323 MAIN STREET Saco, ME 04072 and the contact number is 2072829962 and fax number is 2072834299. The mailing address for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc is 323 MAIN STREET Saco, ME 04072- 2072829962 (mailing address contact number - 2072829962).
A general dentist is the primary dental care provider for patients of all ages. The general dentist is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, management and overall coordination of services related to patients' oral health needs.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc is 1932213998

Where is Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc located?

Answer: Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc is located at 323 MAIN STREET Saco, ME 04072.

What is the specialty for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc ?

Answer: The Specialty of Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc is A Dentist Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Saco, ME?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

More Providers in Saco , ME

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Adam L. Dubay
Professional Counselor
NPI Number: 1447200324
Address: 23 WATER ST SUITE 3 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072841173
Mrs. Cynthia B Menard
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1427001247
Address: 655 MAIN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2076023571
Shaws Supermarkets Inc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1740236272
Address: 4 SCAMMON ST SUITE 12 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072849955
Ms. Allison Talon
Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1073550901
Address: 15 LUND RD Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072824210
Pamela Langelier
NPI Number: 1003854191
Address: 110 MAIN ST SUITE 1300 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2073515352
Regis Langelier
NPI Number: 1417997248
Address: 110 MAIN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2073515352
Tracie O'Keefe
NPI Number: 1043252315
Address: SACO HEALING ARTS CENTER 209 MAIN STREET, SUITE 301 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072293435
Matthew C Cook
Athletic Trainer
NPI Number: 1659315778
Address: 400 NORTH ST SUITE 2 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072827121
Mrs. Mary Therese Bohon
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1346286440
Address: 9 OLIVE ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072847991
Mr. Rudolph Albert Skowronski
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1386680858
Address: 199 MAIN ST FL 3 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2077768245
Brandy L Thompson
Athletic Trainer
NPI Number: 1003847351
Address: 400 NORTH ST SUITE 2 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072827121
Mr. Jeffrey Steven Levy
Mental Health Counselor
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Address: 110 MAIN ST STE 1300A Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072841400
Dr. Conrad R Verrier
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 339 MAIN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072833775
Hidden Springs, Inc.
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Address: 110 MAIN ST SUITE 1408D Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072826730
Mr. Gregory P Dumas
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Address: 23 WATER ST SUITE 4 SACO BAY COUNSELING Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072849667
Maine Medical Partners
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Dr. Jo Bernice Johnson
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Address: 333 LINCOLN ST STE 200 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072833676
Dr. Francoise E. Paradis
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Address: 110 MAIN ST STE 1408D Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072826730
Marc Kaplan
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Physician
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944700
Douglas Galloway
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Jodi E Ryan
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Address: 13 INDUSTRIAL PARK RD Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072838800
Saco Bay Orthopaedic And Sports Physical Therapy, Inc
Physical Therapist
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Address: 400 NORTH ST SUITE 2 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072829463
Janice K Hill
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Address: 333 LINCOLN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072821500
Ms. Sarah Chaiklin Murphy
Clinical Social Worker
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Address: 265 NORTH ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2078563428
James Reuter
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Christina Banks
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Wendy L Joy
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Address: 6 WILLEY RD Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072845800
Dwayne Hogan
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Tyler J Ingersoll
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 323 MAIN STREET Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072829962
Brenda Cadman
Clinical Social Worker
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Barry Rubin
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Katherine Margarones
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Address: 288 FLAG POND RD Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2074235554
James E Kelley
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 323 MAIN STREET Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072829962
Mr. Scott Ian Efland
Clinical Social Worker
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Barbara Rachel
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Address: 333 LINCOLN ST STE 210 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072292320
Faith Alice Thibodeau
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Susan S Stickney
Clinical Social Worker
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Ann E. Blanchard
Clinical Social Worker
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Address: 50 MOODY ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072944657
Bryan Scott Hauser
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Address: 655 MAIN ST VA CLINIC Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072943100
Sleepmed Inc.
Sleep Disorder Diagnostic Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1306858097
Address: 352 NORTH ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 9785367400
Amy D Ouellette
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NPI Number: 1073525630
Address: 333 LINCOLN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072821500
Debra J Papps
Clinical Social Worker
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Address: 333 LINCOLN ST STE 217 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2078073112
Rachel Krawczyk
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1053424630
Address: 110 MAIN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072821500
Kristen Jean Flynn
Professional Counselor
NPI Number: 1427161017
Address: 333 LINCOLN ST STE 207 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072284596
Monika Moroz-Bourque
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1902919368
Address: 333 LINCOLN ST STE 217 Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2076325152
Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1932213998
Address: 323 MAIN STREET Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072829962
Dr. Harold E Chamberlin
NPI Number: 1205941952
Address: 333 LINCOLN STREET KIMBALL HEALTH CTR Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072826330
Dr. Billy Carlton Burge
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1881709517
Address: 655 MAIN ST Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2076023571
Pamela W Travis
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1376659102
Address: 13 INDUSTRIAL PARK RD Saco, ME 04072 , Phone: 2072838800

Biddeford Saco Dental Assoc in Other Directories

Provider don't have other directory link yet.