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Birtell Counseling Llc

Home > Birtell Counseling Llc


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Birtell Counseling Llc
Provider License Number If Given:

NPI Information:

NPI: 1679107445
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 3/2/2020

Last Update Date: 10/20/2020

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 3242 SE STANLEY RD
Tecumseh, KS 66542
Phone Number: 7856333887
Fax Number:

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 3242 SE STANLEY RD
Tecumseh, KS 66542
Phone Number: 7856333887
Fax Number:

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 104100000X
Secondary (if any):
State: KS

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About Birtell Counseling Llc

Birtell Counseling Llc ( BIRTELL COUNSELING LLC ) is A Social Worker Provider in Tecumseh, KS. The NPI Number for Birtell Counseling Llc is 1679107445.
The current location address for Birtell Counseling Llc is 3242 SE STANLEY RD Tecumseh, KS 66542 and the contact number is 7856333887 and fax number is . The mailing address for Birtell Counseling Llc is 3242 SE STANLEY RD Tecumseh, KS 66542- 7856333887 (mailing address contact number - 7856333887).
A social worker is a person who is qualified by a Social Work degree, and licensed, certified or registered by the state as a social worker to practice within the scope of that license. A social worker provides assistance and counseling to clients and their families who are dealing with social, emotional and environmental problems. Social work services may be rendered to individuals, families, groups, and the public.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Birtell Counseling Llc ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Birtell Counseling Llc is 1679107445

Where is Birtell Counseling Llc located?

Answer: Birtell Counseling Llc is located at 3242 SE STANLEY RD Tecumseh, KS 66542.

What is the specialty for Birtell Counseling Llc ?

Answer: The Specialty of Birtell Counseling Llc is A Social Worker Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Birtell Counseling Llc ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Tecumseh, KS?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Birtell Counseling Llc
Social Worker
NPI Number: 1679107445
Address: 3242 SE STANLEY RD Tecumseh, KS 66542 , Phone: 7856333887

Birtell Counseling Llc in Other Directories

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