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Elsie Cruz

Home > Elsie Cruz


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Elsie Cruz
Gender: F
Provider License Number If Given: 2697

NPI Information:

NPI: 1093909889
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 9/5/2007

Last Update Date: 9/5/2007

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Sabana Seca, PR 00952
Phone Number: 7877951080
Fax Number: 7877951080

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Sabana Seca, PR 00952
Phone Number: 7877951080
Fax Number: 7877951080

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 246Z00000X
Secondary (if any):
State: PR

Top Doctors in PR


About Elsie Cruz

Elsie Cruz ( ELSIE CRUZ ) is General Specialist/Technologist, Other Physician in Sabana Seca, PR. The NPI Number for Elsie Cruz is 1093909889.
The current location address for Elsie Cruz is 4095 AVE RAMON RIOS ROMAN S2 Sabana Seca, PR 00952 and the contact number is 7877951080 and fax number is 7877951080. The mailing address for Elsie Cruz is PO BOX 929 SABANA SECA Sabana Seca, PR 00952- 7877951080 (mailing address contact number - 7877951080).
General classification identifying individuals trained on specific equipment and technical procedures in one of a collection of miscellaneous healthcare disciplines.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Elsie Cruz ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Elsie Cruz is 1093909889

Where is Elsie Cruz located?

Answer: Elsie Cruz is located at 4095 AVE RAMON RIOS ROMAN S2 Sabana Seca, PR 00952.

What is the specialty for Elsie Cruz ?

Answer: The Specialty of Elsie Cruz is General Specialist/Technologist, Other Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Elsie Cruz ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Sabana Seca, PR?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

More Providers in Sabana Seca , PR

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Farmacia Gladys Inc
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Address: AVE RAMON RIOS ROMON STE 112 B Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7877951562
Dr. Charlene Stephanie Marie Fields
Clinical Psychologist
NPI Number: 1265562169
Address: PARQUE LAS GAVIOTAS APT. 1201 Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7877950367
Dr. Jorge Arturo Santana
General Practice Physician
NPI Number: 1366656969
Address: VIA GIRASOLES MANSION DEL SOL MS1 Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7877840624
Ms. Diana E Saldana
Other Specialist/Technologist
NPI Number: 1447444302
Address: 4095 AVE RAMON RIOS ROMAN S2 Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7877951080
Elsie Cruz
Other Specialist/Technologist
NPI Number: 1093909889
Address: 4095 AVE RAMON RIOS ROMAN S2 Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7877951080
Dr. Pedro Juan Morales
Clinical Psychologist
NPI Number: 1396907978
Address: 69 VIA ARCO IRIS URB. MANSION DEL SOL Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7879238281
Dr. Norimar Santiago-Irizarry
Clinical Psychologist
NPI Number: 1467682286
Address: 59 AVE RAMON RIOS ROMAN SUITE 23, SABANA SECA Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7875646009
Erika Cruz
Pharmacy Technician
NPI Number: 1073904710
Address: 7346 CALLE REJAS SABANA SECA Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 9397172859
Dr. Erica Ivellisse Lamourt
General Practice Physician
NPI Number: 1134765753
Address: CALLE VIA GIRASOLES MANSION DEL SOL MS7 Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7875107976
Luz H Rivera
NPI Number: 1275164352
Address: AVE. RAMON RIOS ROMAN #112 B Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7877840716
Joan Marie Rodriguez
General Practice Physician
NPI Number: 1275128795
Address: 5153 AVE RAMON RIOS Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 9393228688
Mrs. Alexandra Amezquita
Social Worker
NPI Number: 1477293363
Address: 273A BO. SABANA SECA CALLE LA MILAGROSA Sabana Seca, PR 00952 , Phone: 7879387616

Elsie Cruz in Other Directories

Provider don't have other directory link yet.