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Mrs. Gale Annette Barker

Home >Mrs. Gale Annette Barker


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Mrs. Gale Annette Barker
Gender: F
Provider License Number If Given: 12688

NPI Information:

NPI: 1508010398
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 11/6/2008

Last Update Date: 1/16/2009

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 178 PINEHAVEN DR
Winslow, AR 72959
Phone Number: 4796342007
Fax Number: 4796342007

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 178 PINEHAVEN DR
Winslow, AR 72959
Phone Number: 4796342007
Fax Number: 4796342007

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 305R00000X
Secondary (if any):
State: AR

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About Mrs. Gale Annette Barker

Mrs. Gale Annette Barker (MRS. GALE ANNETTE BARKER ) is A Preferred Provider Organization Physician in Winslow, AR. The NPI Number for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker is 1508010398.
The current location address for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker is 178 PINEHAVEN DR Winslow, AR 72959 and the contact number is 4796342007 and fax number is 4796342007. The mailing address for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker is 178 PINEHAVEN DR Winslow, AR 72959- 4796342007 (mailing address contact number - 4796342007).
A group of physicians and/or hospitals who contract with an employer to provide services to their employees. In a PPO, the patient may got to the physician of his/her choice, even if that physician does not participate in the PPO, but the patient receives care at a lower benefit level.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker is 1508010398

Where is Mrs. Gale Annette Barker located?

Answer: Mrs. Gale Annette Barker is located at 178 PINEHAVEN DR Winslow, AR 72959.

What is the specialty for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker ?

Answer: The Specialty of Mrs. Gale Annette Barker is A Preferred Provider Organization Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Mrs. Gale Annette Barker ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Winslow, AR?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Mrs. Gale Annette Barker
Preferred Provider Organization
NPI Number: 1508010398
Address: 178 PINEHAVEN DR Winslow, AR 72959 , Phone: 4796342007
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Address: 16847 BAILEY RD Winslow, AR 72959 , Phone: 4026191421
Ms. Virginia Ruth Hughes
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Address: 20096 HIDDEN VALLEY RD Winslow, AR 72959 , Phone: 4796343207
Rick Rakotz
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Address: 1400 N DEVILS DEN RD Winslow, AR 72959 , Phone: 4795303825
Melissa Sue Waterson
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Area Agency On Aging Of Western Arkansas, Inc
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Address: 398 SCHOOL AVE Winslow, AR 72959 , Phone: 4796343812

Mrs. Gale Annette Barker in Other Directories

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