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Hardwick Chiropractic Inc.

Home > Hardwick Chiropractic Inc.


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Hardwick Chiropractic Inc.
Provider License Number If Given:

NPI Information:

NPI: 1275968992
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 9/12/2013

Last Update Date: 11/8/2017

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 54 SCHOOL CIR
East Hardwick, VT 05836
Phone Number: 8024728900
Fax Number: 8024723022

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 54 SCHOOL CIR
East Hardwick, VT 05836
Phone Number: 8024728900
Fax Number: 8024723022

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 2083P0011X
Secondary (if any): 207PE0005X
State: VT

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About Hardwick Chiropractic Inc.

Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. ( HARDWICK CHIROPRACTIC INC. ) is A Preventive Medicine Provider in East Hardwick, VT. The NPI Number for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. is 1275968992.
The current location address for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. is 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836 and the contact number is 8024728900 and fax number is 8024723022. The mailing address for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. is 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836- 8024728900 (mailing address contact number - 8024728900).
A specialist who treats decompression illness and diving accident cases and uses hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat such conditions as carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, non-healing wounds, tissue damage from radiation and burns and bone infections. This specialist also serves as consultant to other physicians in all aspects of hyperbaric chamber operations and assesses risks and applies appropriate standards to prevent disease and disability in divers and other persons working in altered atmospheric conditions.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. is 1275968992

Where is Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. located?

Answer: Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. is located at 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836.

What is the specialty for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. ?

Answer: The Specialty of Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. is A Preventive Medicine Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in East Hardwick, VT?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Address: 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836 , Phone: 8024723033
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Hardwick Chiropractic Inc.
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Address: 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836 , Phone: 8024728900
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Address: 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836 , Phone: 8024723033
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Address: 54 SCHOOL CIR East Hardwick, VT 05836 , Phone: 9372051756

Hardwick Chiropractic Inc. in Other Directories

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