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Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson

Home >Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson
Gender: F
Provider License Number If Given: MD026588

NPI Information:

NPI: 1285683342
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 5/8/2006

Last Update Date: 4/22/2014

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR
Choctaw, MS 39350
Phone Number: 6013896302
Fax Number: 6016637924

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR
Choctaw, MS 39350
Phone Number: 6013896302
Fax Number: 6016637924

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 207PE0004X
Secondary (if any): 207P00000X
State: MS

Top Doctors in MS


About Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson

Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson (DR. JUANTINA MECHELLE JOHNSON ) is An Emergency Medicine Physician in Choctaw, MS. The NPI Number for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson is 1285683342.
The current location address for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson is 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 and the contact number is 6013896302 and fax number is 6016637924. The mailing address for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson is 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350- 6013896302 (mailing address contact number - 6013896302).
An emergency medicine physician who specializes in non-hospital based emergency medical services (e.g., disaster site, accident scene, transport vehicle, etc.) to provide pre-hospital assessment, treatment, and transport patients.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson is 1285683342

Where is Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson located?

Answer: Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson is located at 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350.

What is the specialty for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson ?

Answer: The Specialty of Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson is An Emergency Medicine Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Choctaw, MS?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson
Emergency Medical Services (Emergency Medicine) Physician
NPI Number: 1285683342
Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013896302
Choctaw Health Center Pharmacy
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894330
Timothy Adams
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894500
Victoria Capuyan Guevarra
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013896266
Mrs. Donna Lynne Alford
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Mississippi Band Of Choctaw Indians
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIRCLE Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Mississippi Band Of Choctaw Indians
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Nancy Melton
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Linda Murray
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Lasteffia J Todd
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Chandrashekhar Vasant Joshi
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Dr. Brian C Berg
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894033
Philip Evans
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Margarita Guzman
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Mr. Alvin T Ricks JR.
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Eugene Van Every
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Sylvia Breakfield
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Chester B Whittle
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
William Gregory Evans
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Johnny B Peebles
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Diana Tangle
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Willis Howard Kilpatrick JR.
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Mississippi Band Of Choctaw Indians
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Mississippi Band Of Choctaw Indians
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013896342
Mississippi Band Of Choctaw Indians
Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility
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Address: 135 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562582
Jessica W Mooney
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Jason Ames Myers
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Ms Band Of Choctaw Indians
Case Manager/Care Coordinator
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Mississippi Band Of Choctaw Indians
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Jennifer Michelle Waller-Smith
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Jennifer Walker Phillips
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013896215
Teresa K. Cumberland
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Lindsay Atkins
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
David Adams Harbarger
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Bettye Mcafee
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Toniya Lay
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Ms. Andrea Lewis
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894177
Tiffany Price
Family Nurse Practitioner
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6016562211
Oliver Jolly JR.
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Patty Steve
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Mahli Saunders
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Dr. Elijah Ransom Love
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894030
Dr. Steven Kory Culpepper
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894300
Marjorie Britt
NPI Number: 1215462502
Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894500
Dr. Anna Clare Saxon
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894500
Ms. Shannon Victoria Johnson
Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894420
Lindsey E Wilson
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894133
Natalie A Byram
Registered Dietitian
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Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894500
Allison Boatner
Registered Dietitian
NPI Number: 1982183083
Address: 210 HOSPITAL CIR Choctaw, MS 39350 , Phone: 6013894376

Dr. Juantina Mechelle Johnson in Other Directories

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