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Levelland Ems Corp

Home > Levelland Ems Corp


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Levelland Ems Corp
Provider License Number If Given: 110004

NPI Information:

NPI: 1437190519
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 6/9/2006

Last Update Date: 5/17/2012

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 809 11TH ST
Levelland, TX 79336
Phone Number: 8068948855
Fax Number: 8068947097

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 809 11TH ST
Levelland, TX 79336
Phone Number: 8068948855
Fax Number: 8068947097

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 341600000X
Secondary (if any):
State: TX

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About Levelland Ems Corp

Levelland Ems Corp ( LEVELLAND EMS CORP ) is An Ambulance Provider in Levelland, TX. The NPI Number for Levelland Ems Corp is 1437190519.
The current location address for Levelland Ems Corp is 809 11TH ST Levelland, TX 79336 and the contact number is 8068948855 and fax number is 8068947097. The mailing address for Levelland Ems Corp is 809 11TH ST Levelland, TX 79336- 8068948855 (mailing address contact number - 8068948855).
An emergency vehicle used for transporting patients to a health care facility after injury or illness. Types of ambulances used in the United States include ground (surface) ambulance, rotor-wing (helicopter), and fixed-wing aircraft (airplane).

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Levelland Ems Corp ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Levelland Ems Corp is 1437190519

Where is Levelland Ems Corp located?

Answer: Levelland Ems Corp is located at 809 11TH ST Levelland, TX 79336.

What is the specialty for Levelland Ems Corp ?

Answer: The Specialty of Levelland Ems Corp is An Ambulance Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Levelland Ems Corp ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Levelland, TX?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

More Providers in Levelland , TX

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Dr. Paul Charles Dunn
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1124077961
Address: 701 8TH ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068943535
Dr. Peggy June Skinner
Professional Counselor
NPI Number: 1073551289
Address: 1401 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068949611
Levelland Ems Corp
NPI Number: 1437190519
Address: 809 11TH ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068948855
Marquez Medical Supply
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Address: 507 AVENUE F Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068970855
Area Wide Medical Inc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Address: 110 CLUBVIEW DR Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946551
Hockley County Senior Citizens Association, Inc
NPI Number: 1518997386
Address: 1202 HOUSTON ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068942228
Wal-Mart Stores Texas Llc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1003833161
Address: 407 E HIGHWAY 114 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947583
Tricare Medical
Oxygen Equipment & Supplies (DME)
NPI Number: 1831109941
Address: 120 CLUBVIEW DR Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068940144
South Plains Rural Health Services Inc
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
NPI Number: 1295746402
Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947842
Dr. Richard Shane Mccasland
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1316950256
Address: 124 CLUBVIEW DR Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946830
South Plains Rural Health Services Inc
NPI Number: 1285747113
Address: 1000 FARM MARKET RD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
South Plains Rural Health Services Inc
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET RD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Mr. John Samuel Bullock
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Miss Judith M Madura
Pediatrics Physician
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET RD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947842
Methodist Hospital Levelland
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Address: 1900 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068944963
Melissa S Wood
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Address: 1313 W WASHINGTON ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068979735
Methodist Hospital Levelland
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Address: 1900 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068944963
Methodist Hospital Levelland
Emergency Medicine Physician
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Address: 1900 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068944963
Mr. Myron Dean Sanders
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
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Address: 1900 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8066380072
Mrs. Michelle Howell
Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947842
Dr. Amanda Kay Neal
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Address: 608 AUSTIN ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946330
Dr. Larry D Mcilroy
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Address: 111 JOHN DUPREE DR Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068948119
Cvs Pharmacy Inc
Community/Retail Pharmacy
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Address: 402 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068948521
Dr. Efrem S Alambar
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Address: 1000 FM 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947842
Mrs. Dana R Bailey
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Mrs. Rebecca Bracher Ball
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Mrs. Jonna Rhnea Cook
Dental Hygienist
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Mrs. Nora Contreras
Licensed Vocational Nurse
NPI Number: 1174622690
Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Mrs. Beatriz Flores Garza
Registered Nurse
NPI Number: 1790884211
Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947842
Mrs. Tamber Diane Carr
Social Worker
NPI Number: 1609975127
Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Children'S Hope Residential Services, Inc.
Mental Health Counselor
NPI Number: 1710086822
Address: 1313 W WASHINGTON ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068979735
Miss Genoveva Murillo
Pharmacy Technician
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
George W. Payne, Jr. O.D.
Corneal and Contact Management Optometrist
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Address: 608 AUSTIN STREET Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946330
South Plains Community Action Associaton, Inc.
Ambulatory Family Planning Facility
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Address: 411 AUSTIN STREET Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946104
Preston Warren Deshan
Emergency Medicine Physician
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Address: 1900 COLLEGE AVENUE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068944963
Mrs. Simona M. Gongora
Licensed Vocational Nurse
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068971987
Mrs. Luuphuong Thi Pham
General Practice Physician
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Address: 1000 FARM MARKET ROAD 300 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947842
Wal-Mart Stores Texas, Lp
NPI Number: 1740361120
Address: 407 E STATE ROAD 114 Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068942993
South Plains Community Action Association, Inc.
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1699831685
Address: 410 HOUSTON ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947872
South Plains Community Action Association, Inc.
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1942366695
Address: 410 HOUSTON ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947872
South Plains Community Action Association, Inc.
Respite Care
NPI Number: 1932265451
Address: 411 AUSTIN ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946104
South Plains Community Action Association, Inc.
Home Health Agency
NPI Number: 1255497723
Address: 1611 FM 300 STE A Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068947872
South Plains Community Action Association, Inc.
Respite Care
NPI Number: 1437215787
Address: 411 AUSTIN ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946104
Paula G. Land
NPI Number: 1548318637
Address: 108 BRENTWOOD DR Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 5052572100
Levelland Eye And Vision Pc
NPI Number: 1396876967
Address: 608 AUSTIN ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946330
Larry Mcilroy Chiropractic Arts, P.A.
NPI Number: 1992824056
Address: 111 JOHN DUPRE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068948119
Fannin County Hospital Authority
Skilled Nursing Facility
NPI Number: 1063533511
Address: 210 WEST AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068945053
Levelland Isd
Local Education Agency (LEA)
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Address: 704 11TH ST Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068946858
Shanna Von Barker
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
NPI Number: 1285848481
Address: 1900 COLLEGE AVE Levelland, TX 79336 , Phone: 8068944963

Levelland Ems Corp in Other Directories

Provider don't have other directory link yet.