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Peoples Drug Store

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NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Peoples Drug Store
Provider License Number If Given:

NPI Information:

NPI: 1952431694
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 3/6/2007

Last Update Date: 11/29/2007

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: PO BOX 397
Antonito, CO 81120
Phone Number:
Fax Number:

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 327 MAIN ST
Antonito, CO 81120
Phone Number: 7193765450
Fax Number: 7193766362

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 3336C0003X
Secondary (if any): 333600000X
State: CO

Top Doctors in CO


About Peoples Drug Store

Peoples Drug Store ( PEOPLES DRUG STORE ) is A Pharmacy Provider in Antonito, CO. The NPI Number for Peoples Drug Store is 1952431694.
The current location address for Peoples Drug Store is 327 MAIN ST Antonito, CO 81120 and the contact number is and fax number is . The mailing address for Peoples Drug Store is PO BOX 397 Antonito, CO 81120- 7193765450 (mailing address contact number - ).
A pharmacy where pharmacists store, prepare, and dispense medicinal preparations and/or prescriptions for a local patient population in accordance with federal and state law; counsel patients and caregivers (sometimes independent of the dispensing process); administer vaccinations; and provide other professional services associated with pharmaceutical care such as health screenings, consultative services with other health care providers, collaborative practice, disease state management, and education classes.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Peoples Drug Store ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Peoples Drug Store is 1952431694

Where is Peoples Drug Store located?

Answer: Peoples Drug Store is located at 327 MAIN ST Antonito, CO 81120.

What is the specialty for Peoples Drug Store ?

Answer: The Specialty of Peoples Drug Store is A Pharmacy Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Peoples Drug Store ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Antonito, CO?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

More Providers in Antonito , CO

Peoples Drug Store
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Address: 327 MAIN ST Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193765450
Eugene W Christensen
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1841446440
Address: 985 DAHLIA & WEST 10TH AVE. Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193762295
Bryan Andre Sandoval
NPI Number: 1447401963
Address: 327 MAIN Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193765450
Antonito Pharmacy Llc
NPI Number: 1295973493
Address: 402 MAIN Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7195873885
Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc.
Rehabilitation Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1114363934
Address: 10TH AND DAHLIA Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193765426
Mr. Thomas Gonzales
Home Modifications Contractor
NPI Number: 1174054852
Address: 14557 COUNTY ROAD M Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7195883364
San Luis Valley Community Mental Health Center
NPI Number: 1043836380
Address: 9TH & DAHLIA AKA 915 DAHLIA Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7195893671
San Luis Valley Community Mental Health Center
NPI Number: 1689288961
Address: 9TH & DAHLIA AKA 915 DAHLIA Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7195893671
Optimal Home Health Care Llc
Home Health Registered Nurse
NPI Number: 1699369223
Address: 409 MAIN STREET Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7195802083
Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc.
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
NPI Number: 1770242323
Address: 13099 COUNTY RD G. Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193767000
Julie Tailleur
Professional Counselor
NPI Number: 1144973330
Address: 10TH STREET & DAHILIA Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193765426
Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
NPI Number: 1508853813
Address: 10TH AND DAHLIA Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193765426
Ted L Morrison
Physician Assistant
NPI Number: 1770573339
Address: DAHLIA & 10TH Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193765426
Lutheran Hospital Association Of The San Luis Valley
Rural Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1821057860
Address: 115 MAIN STREET Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193762308
Conejos County Hospital Corporation
Rural Health Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1750340832
Address: 315 MAIN STREET Antonito, CO 81120 , Phone: 7193762308

Peoples Drug Store in Other Directories

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