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Dr. Purushothama Iyengar

Home >Dr. Purushothama Iyengar


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Dr. Purushothama Iyengar
Gender: M
Provider License Number If Given: MD-042463-L

NPI Information:

NPI: 1811945140
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 5/5/2006

Last Update Date: 5/9/2017

Reputation Report:

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 100 NEW SALEM RD SUITE 116
Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone Number: 7244370729
Fax Number: 7244372761

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 1051 MORRELL AVE
Connellsville, PA 15425
Phone Number: 7244370729
Fax Number: 7244372761

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 2084P0800X
Secondary (if any):
State: PA

Top Doctors in PA


About Dr. Purushothama Iyengar

Dr. Purushothama Iyengar (DR. PURUSHOTHAMA IYENGAR ) is A Psychiatry & Neurology Physician in Connellsville, PA. The NPI Number for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar is 1811945140.
The current location address for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar is 1051 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 and the contact number is 7244370729 and fax number is 7244372761. The mailing address for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar is 100 NEW SALEM RD SUITE 116 Uniontown, PA 15401- 7244370729 (mailing address contact number - 7244370729).
A Psychiatrist specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders, emotional disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance-related disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders and adjustment disorders. Biologic, psychological, and social components of illnesses are explored and understood in treatment of the whole person. Tools used may include diagnostic laboratory tests, prescribed medications, evaluation and treatment of psychological and interpersonal problems with individuals and families, and intervention for coping with stress, crises, and other problems.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar is 1811945140

Where is Dr. Purushothama Iyengar located?

Answer: Dr. Purushothama Iyengar is located at 1051 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425.

What is the specialty for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar ?

Answer: The Specialty of Dr. Purushothama Iyengar is A Psychiatry & Neurology Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Dr. Purushothama Iyengar ?

Answer: Yes! Check It Now.

Are there any other health care providers in Connellsville, PA?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners

Information on services and procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B (Medical Insurance) beneficiaries by Dr. Purushothama Iyengar

Number of HCPCS 14
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 103
Number of Services 395
Total Submitted Charge Amount 54391.16
Total Medicare Allowed Amount 31442.14
Total Medicare Payment Amount 23363.06
Total Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 23507.21
Drug Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Drug Services 0
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Drug Services 0
Number of Drug Services 0
Total Drug Submitted Charge Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Allowed Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Payment Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 0
Medical Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Medical Services 14
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Medical 103
Number of Medical Services 395
Total Medical Submitted Charge Amount 54391.16
Total Medical Medicare Allowed Amount 31442.14
Total Medical Medicare Payment Amount 23363.06
Total Medical Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 23507.21
Average Age of Beneficiaries 54
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less 65 72
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84
Number of Beneficiaries Age Greater 84
Number of Female Beneficiaries 56
Number of Male Beneficiaries 47
Number of Non-Hispanic White Beneficiaries
Number of Black or African American Beneficiaries
Number of Asian Pacific Islander Beneficiaries
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Beneficiaries
Number of Beneficiaries With Race Not Elsewhere Classified
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare & Medicaid Entitlement 76
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare Only Entitlement 27
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Atrial Fibrillation
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Asthma 0.16
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Cancer
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Heart Failure
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Kidney Disease 0.21
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 0.16
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Depression 0.59
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Diabetes 0.21
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hyperlipidemia 0.48
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hypertension 0.44
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Ischemic Heart Disease 0.15
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Osteoporosis
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis 0.35
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Schizophrenia / Other Psychotic Disorders 0.3
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Stroke
Average HCC Risk Score of Beneficiaries 1.2309

Medicare Part D Prescribers

Information on prescription drugs provided to Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage), by physicians and other health care providers, aggregated by provider.

Provider Specialty Type Psychiatry
Source of Provider Specialty
Number of Medicare Part D Claims, Including Refills 2526
Number of Standardized 30-Day Fills 2676.0666667
Aggregate Cost Paid for All Claims 173319.11
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims 75595
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 196
Number of Claims, Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 675
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 757.4
Beneficiaries Age 65+ 32933.84
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims for Beneficaries Age 65+ 22096
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+ 66
Reason for Suppression of Brnd_Tot_Clms and Brnd_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Brand-Name Drugs 104
Reason for Suppression of Gnrc_Tot_Clms and Gnrc_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Generic Drugs, Including Refills 2422
Aggregate Cost Paid for Generic Drugs 86032.54
Reason for Suppression of Othr_Tot_Clms and Othr_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Other Drugs, Including Refills 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for Other Drugs 0
Reason for Suppression of MAPD_Tot_Clmsand MAPD_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by MAPD Plans 1400
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by Beneficiaries in MAPD Plans 101997.26
Reason for Suppression of PDP_Tot_Clms and PDP_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Standalone PDP Plans 1126
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by 71321.85
Reason for Suppression of LIS_Tot_Clms and LIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 1904
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 134661.12
Reason for Suppression of NonLIS_Tot_Clms and NonLIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Not Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 622
by Low-Income Subsidy 38657.99
Total Claims of Opioid Drugs, Including 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for Opioid Drugs 0
Opioid Claims 0
Opioid_Tot_Clms divided by the Tot_Clms 0
Total Claims of Long-Acting Opioid Drugs 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for Long-Acting Opioid 0
Number of Day's Supply of All Long-Acting 0
Long-Acting Opioid Claims 0
Opioid_LA_Tot_Clms divided by the
Total Claims of Antibiotic Drugs, Including
Aggregate Cost Paid for Antibiotic Drugs
Antibiotic Claims
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Clms and Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Drug_Cst
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 115
Aggregate Cost Paid for AntipsychoticDrugs for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 12573.67
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Benes
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+Filling Antipsychotic Claims 25
Average Age of Beneficiaries 57.224489796
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less Than 65 130
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 44
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84
Number of Female Beneficiaries 111
Number of Male Beneficiaries 85
Number of Non-Hispanic White 181
Number of Black or African American
Number of Asian Pacific Islander
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaskan NativeBeneficiaries 0
Number of Beneficiaries with Race Not
Only Entitlement 52
Average Hierarchical Condition Category 1.395974915

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Psychiatry Physician
NPI Number: 1811945140
Address: 1051 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7244370729
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Address: 1051 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7244370729
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Frank E Caruso
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
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Address: 401 E MURPHY AVENUE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246262411
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Address: 1051 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246261849
Ms. Cynthia Sue Artis
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Address: 1051 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7244370729
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The Giant Company, Llc
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Address: 800 VANDERBILT RD Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246267690
Wesclare Corporation
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Dr. Charlene Rae Saloom
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Address: 208 S. ARCH STREET Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246262630
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Address: 2616 MEMORIAL BLVD SUITE B Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246289350
Wal-Mart Stores East Lp
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
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Address: 1450 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246264482
Richard A Conn
Family Medicine Physician
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Address: 2616 MEMORIAL BLVD STE B Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246289350
Claysville Pharmacy Llc
Oxygen Equipment & Supplies (DME)
NPI Number: 1164443982
Address: 802 VANDERBILT RD Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246261091
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Address: 320 MEMORIAL BLVD Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246282330
Ashleigh Grimaldi
General Practice Dentistry
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Address: 320 MEMORIAL BLVD Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246282330
Connellsville Counseling Center
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NPI Number: 1770597767
Address: 110 S ARCH ST Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269941
Laurel Drugs Inc
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Address: 601 YORK AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246281100
Pharmana Llc
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Address: 6 ZIA MARIA WAY Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269600
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Address: 1952 UNIVERSITY DRIVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246289340
Dr. Marty Cole
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Address: 208 S. ARCH STREET Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246262630
Dr. David Lemonick
Emergency Medical Services (Emergency Medicine) Physician
NPI Number: 1366548539
Address: 401 E MURPHY AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246281500
Thrift Drug Inc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1710087168
Address: 200 MEMORIAL BOULEVARD Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246288460
Highlands Hospital And Health Center
General Acute Care Hospital
NPI Number: 1851491187
Address: 401 E MURPHY AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246281500
Godofredo Bautista Perez
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NPI Number: 1083705289
Address: 134 S. PITTSBURGH ST Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246280310
Excela Health Connellsville Internal Med-Dr. Tiberio
Primary Care Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1235225400
Address: 171 W CRAWFORD AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246285800
Mr. Mark D King
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1417044322
Address: 208 S ARCH ST Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246287288
Team King Inc
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1962599894
Address: 171 W CRAWFORD AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246287288
Dr. Michael Brent Wilson
NPI Number: 1356431647
Address: 171 W CRAWFORD AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246261091
Wal-Mart Stores East, Lp
NPI Number: 1508948035
Address: 1450 MORRELL AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246264470
Dr. Paul Dascani
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NPI Number: 1629153408
Address: 132 SHENANDOAH RD Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246263300
Dale H Cadwallader
NPI Number: 1942386404
Address: 403 EAST DAVIDSON AVENUE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246282834
Dr. Michael Todd Bruner
NPI Number: 1063590768
Address: 420 W CRAWFORD AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246288872
Connellsville Counseling Center, Inc.
Psychiatry Physician
NPI Number: 1609941236
Address: 110 S ARCH ST Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269941
Highlands Hospital
General Acute Care Hospital
NPI Number: 1902972870
Address: 401 E MURPHY AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246281500
Fayette Ems
Land Ambulance
NPI Number: 1437226420
Address: 301 S ARCH ST Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246288610
Mr. James Eric Capuzzi
NPI Number: 1568539872
Address: 309 LAUREL DR Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269600
Prescriptions Plus Of Connellsville
Community/Retail Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1134288459
Address: 2618 MEMORIAL BLVD STE A Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246287500
Dr. Ben Paul Brinkley
Psychiatry Physician
NPI Number: 1801958798
Address: 416 S PITTSBURGH ST Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246268420
Twin Trees Inc
Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Community Based Residential Treatment Facility
NPI Number: 1184773475
Address: 201 E FAIRVIEW AVE Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246285353
Mrs. Nicole Ann Holonich
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1881744639
Address: 110 S ARCH ST SUITE 2A Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269941
Mrs. Carole Gene Stern
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Address: 110 S ARCH ST SUITE 2A Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269941
Mr. Randy R Geary
Professional Counselor
NPI Number: 1669526018
Address: 110 ARCH STREET Connellsville, PA 15425 , Phone: 7246269941

Dr. purushothama iyengar in Other Directories

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