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Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc

Home > Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc
Provider License Number If Given:

NPI Information:

NPI: 1770709248
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 4/17/2007

Last Update Date: 8/17/2007

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: PO BOX 333
Coweta, OK 74429
Phone Number: 9182791310
Fax Number: 9182798160

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 13783 S ST HWY 51
Coweta, OK 74429
Phone Number: 9182791310
Fax Number: 9182798160

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 305R00000X
Secondary (if any):
State: OK

Top Doctors in OK


About Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc

Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc ( COWETA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC PLLC ) is A Preferred Provider Organization Provider in Coweta, OK. The NPI Number for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc is 1770709248.
The current location address for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc is 13783 S ST HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 and the contact number is 9182791310 and fax number is 9182798160. The mailing address for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc is PO BOX 333 Coweta, OK 74429- 9182791310 (mailing address contact number - 9182791310).
A group of physicians and/or hospitals who contract with an employer to provide services to their employees. In a PPO, the patient may got to the physician of his/her choice, even if that physician does not participate in the PPO, but the patient receives care at a lower benefit level.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc is 1770709248

Where is Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc located?

Answer: Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc is located at 13783 S ST HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429.

What is the specialty for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc ?

Answer: The Specialty of Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc is A Preferred Provider Organization Provider.

Are there any online reviews for Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Coweta, OK?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

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Lk Goodson Inc
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Address: 114 N BROADWAY Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184862193
Dr. Lawrence E Vark
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Address: 31870 E. HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793200
Sandra L Lewis
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Address: 31870 E. HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793200
Dr. Monica S Kidwell
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Address: 31870 E STATE HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793200
Mr. Allen S Braumiller JR.
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Address: 30273 E STATE HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184866516
Wal-Mart Stores East Lp
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Dr. Mark Alan Harwood
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Sabra Rhodes
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Allen S Braumiller Jr Dds Pc
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Creek Nation Hospital And Clincs Board
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Address: 31870 EAST HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793200
Laren W Hightower
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Coweta Ambulance Service
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Dr. Randall Alan Marrs
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Jessica Diane Collins
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Address: 14540 S 302ND EAST AVE Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184866506
Dennis Leo Wallis
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Louis L King
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Jeffery Allen Barentine
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Address: 28622 E 141ST ST S Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184867425
Gary C Davidson
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Address: 122 E CHESTNUT ST Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184863266
City Of Coweta
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Address: 214 N BROADWAY Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184862189
Dr. Bret A Hubbard
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Address: 607 S BROADWAY Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184865564
Dr. Cody Ryan Luker
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Address: 13783 S. HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182791310
Burleene Mosburg
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Address: 28622 E 141ST ST S Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184867425
Dr. Matthew Walls
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Address: 12627 S HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184860039
Lance Goodson
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Dr. Jerry L Beggs
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Address: 114 N BROADWAY Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184862193
Patricia Ann Noah
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Address: 324 E CHESTNUT ST Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182796565
Sabra J. Morrow D.C., Inc
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Address: 14130 S STATE HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184863575
Kelly J Chebahtah
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Address: 31870 E STATE HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793450
Mrs. Delana Denise Westman
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Address: 31870 E HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793450
Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc
Preferred Provider Organization
NPI Number: 1770709248
Address: 13783 S ST HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182791310
Dr. Robert Daryn Drake
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Address: 13777 S. STATE HWY. 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184863951
Coweta Public Schools
Local Education Agency (LEA)
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Address: 14540 SOUTH 302ND EAST AVENUE Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184868351
Dr. Gregory Wade Johnson
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Dr. Chad Monroe Reid
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Address: 29933 E STATE HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182797100
Green Country Pharmacy Llc
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Address: 13937 SOUTH HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182796600
Advanced Family Eye Care Inc
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Creek Nation Hospital And Clinics
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Address: 31870 EAST HIGHWAY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793200
Melinda Lea Ahrend
NPI Number: 1154515690
Address: 31870 EAST HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9182793200
C.H.R.E L.L.C.
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NPI Number: 1073709176
Address: 30049 E. 151ST ST. SOUTH Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184862166
Dr. Jerry A. Nelms D.O.
Family Medicine Physician
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Address: 607 S BROADWAY Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184865564
Winn Family Practice, Plp
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Address: 607 S BROADWAY Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184865564
Sue Trotter
Occupational Therapist
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Address: 13795 S 309TH EAST AVE Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184863838
Mr. Curtis Wayne Tillman
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Address: 29692 E STATE HWY 51 Coweta, OK 74429 , Phone: 9184861490
Walls Family Dentistry, Inc
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Dr. Lacey Kay Blankenship
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Coweta Family Chiropractic Clinic Pllc in Other Directories

Provider don't have other directory link yet.