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Dr. Anne M. Shingleton

Home >Dr. Anne M. Shingleton


NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Dr. Anne M. Shingleton
Gender: F
Provider License Number If Given: RN259558

NPI Information:

NPI: 1831125707
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 6/23/2006

Last Update Date: 10/14/2014

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 910 BRAEMAR CIR
North Canton, OH 44720
Phone Number: 3306855318
Fax Number: 3303614402

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 910 BRAEMAR CIR
North Canton, OH 44720
Phone Number: 3306855318
Fax Number: 3303614402

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 163W00000X
Secondary (if any): 363LA2200X
State: OH

Top Doctors in OH


About Dr. Anne M. Shingleton

Dr. Anne M. Shingleton (DR. ANNE M. SHINGLETON ) is (1) Registered Nurse Physician in North Canton, OH. The NPI Number for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton is 1831125707.
The current location address for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton is 910 BRAEMAR CIR North Canton, OH 44720 and the contact number is 3306855318 and fax number is 3303614402. The mailing address for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton is 910 BRAEMAR CIR North Canton, OH 44720- 3306855318 (mailing address contact number - 3306855318).
(1) A registered nurse is a person qualified by graduation from an accredited nursing school (depending upon schooling, a registered nurse may receive either a diploma from a hospital program, an associate degree in nursing (A.D.N.) or a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing (B.S.N.), who is licensed or certified by the state, and is practicing within the scope of that license or certification. R.N.'s assist patient in recovering and maintaining their physical or mental health. They assist physicians during treatments and examinations and administer medications. (2) A provider who is trained and educated in a formal nursing education program at an accredited school of nursing, passes a national certification examination, and is licensed by the state to practice nursing. The individual provides nursing services to patients or clients in areas such as health promotion, disease prevention, acute and chronic care and restoration and maintenance of health across the life span.

Provider Business Location on Map


What is the NPI Number for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton is 1831125707

Where is Dr. Anne M. Shingleton located?

Answer: Dr. Anne M. Shingleton is located at 910 BRAEMAR CIR North Canton, OH 44720.

What is the specialty for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton ?

Answer: The Specialty of Dr. Anne M. Shingleton is (1) Registered Nurse Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Dr. Anne M. Shingleton ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in North Canton, OH?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners

Information on services and procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B (Medical Insurance) beneficiaries by Dr. Anne M. Shingleton

Number of HCPCS 9
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 515
Number of Services 2292
Total Submitted Charge Amount 220911
Total Medicare Allowed Amount 154026.66
Total Medicare Payment Amount 120016.88
Total Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 121264.94
Drug Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Drug Services 0
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Drug Services 0
Number of Drug Services 0
Total Drug Submitted Charge Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Allowed Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Payment Amount 0
Total Drug Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 0
Medical Suppress Indicator
Number of HCPCS Associated With Medical Services 9
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Medical 515
Number of Medical Services 2292
Total Medical Submitted Charge Amount 220911
Total Medical Medicare Allowed Amount 154026.66
Total Medical Medicare Payment Amount 120016.88
Total Medical Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 121264.94
Average Age of Beneficiaries 80
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less 65 30
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 130
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 164
Number of Beneficiaries Age Greater 84 191
Number of Female Beneficiaries 313
Number of Male Beneficiaries 202
Number of Non-Hispanic White Beneficiaries 454
Number of Black or African American Beneficiaries
Number of Asian Pacific Islander Beneficiaries
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Beneficiaries
Number of Beneficiaries With Race Not Elsewhere Classified
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare & Medicaid Entitlement 202
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare Only Entitlement 313
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Atrial Fibrillation 0.31
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia 0.59
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Asthma 0.08
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Cancer 0.14
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Heart Failure 0.52
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Kidney Disease 0.62
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 0.29
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Depression 0.55
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Diabetes 0.44
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hyperlipidemia 0.62
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hypertension 0.75
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Ischemic Heart Disease 0.51
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Osteoporosis 0.11
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis 0.57
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Schizophrenia / Other Psychotic Disorders 0.17
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Stroke 0.16
Average HCC Risk Score of Beneficiaries 2.839

Medicare Part D Prescribers

Information on prescription drugs provided to Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage), by physicians and other health care providers, aggregated by provider.

Provider Specialty Type Nurse Practitioner
Source of Provider Specialty
Number of Medicare Part D Claims, Including Refills 540
Number of Standardized 30-Day Fills 540
Aggregate Cost Paid for All Claims 50478.04
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims 9027
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 70
Number of Claims, Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 483
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 483
Beneficiaries Age 65+ 48263.1
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims for Beneficaries Age 65+ 7713
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+ 58
Reason for Suppression of Brnd_Tot_Clms and Brnd_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Brand-Name Drugs 101
Reason for Suppression of Gnrc_Tot_Clms and Gnrc_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Generic Drugs, Including Refills 415
Aggregate Cost Paid for Generic Drugs 8430.11
Reason for Suppression of Othr_Tot_Clms and Othr_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Other Drugs, Including Refills 24
Aggregate Cost Paid for Other Drugs 859.52
Reason for Suppression of MAPD_Tot_Clmsand MAPD_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by MAPD Plans 409
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by Beneficiaries in MAPD Plans 36892.34
Reason for Suppression of PDP_Tot_Clms and PDP_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Standalone PDP Plans 131
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by 13585.7
Reason for Suppression of LIS_Tot_Clms and LIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 526
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 49563.88
Reason for Suppression of NonLIS_Tot_Clms and NonLIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Not Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 14
by Low-Income Subsidy 914.16
Total Claims of Opioid Drugs, Including 168
Aggregate Cost Paid for Opioid Drugs 3453.09
Opioid Claims 24
Opioid_Tot_Clms divided by the Tot_Clms 31.111111111
Total Claims of Long-Acting Opioid Drugs 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for Long-Acting Opioid 0
Number of Day's Supply of All Long-Acting 0
Long-Acting Opioid Claims 0
Opioid_LA_Tot_Clms divided by the 0
Total Claims of Antibiotic Drugs, Including
Aggregate Cost Paid for Antibiotic Drugs
Antibiotic Claims
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Clms and Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Drug_Cst
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for AntipsychoticDrugs for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 0
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Benes
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+Filling Antipsychotic Claims 0
Average Age of Beneficiaries 75.042857143
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less Than 65 12
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 22
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 20
Number of Female Beneficiaries 40
Number of Male Beneficiaries 30
Number of Non-Hispanic White 48
Number of Black or African American 19
Number of Asian Pacific Islander
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries 0
Number of American Indian/Alaskan NativeBeneficiaries
Number of Beneficiaries with Race Not
Only Entitlement
Average Hierarchical Condition Category 4.0553170479

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Mercy Medical Center, Inc.
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Michael R Gerber Dpm Inc
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Dr. Gary M Greger
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Address: 6227 FRANK AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3302448989
Julie Marie Thomas
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Address: 1437 S MAIN ST North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3302449081
Aultman Pharmacy Inc
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Jenny A Kohler
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Address: 6046 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304331200
Victoria Smith
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
NPI Number: 1285679167
Address: 7629 WYNDGATE COURT AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304940420
Discount Drug Mart Inc
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Address: 4925 PORTAGE ST NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3309662115
Kimberly A. Vandegrift
Home Health Registered Nurse
NPI Number: 1619913738
Address: 1101 PORTAGE ST NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304173283
Dr. Anne M. Shingleton
Registered Nurse
NPI Number: 1831125707
Address: 910 BRAEMAR CIR North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3306855318
Gherian Audiology Limited
Hearing Instrument Specialist
NPI Number: 1851327407
Address: 220 W MAPLE ST North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 2343470155
Discount Drug Mart Inc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1356379440
Address: 1695 N MAIN ST North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304979393
Ohio Hospital-Based Physician Corporation
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Address: 6100 WHIPPLE AVE North Canton, OH 44709 , Phone: 3303056999
Mrs. Kelly Marie Byrer
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Address: 220 W. MAPLE STREET North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 2343470155
Mr. Jorge Raul Romero
Obstetrics & Gynecology Physician
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Address: 6555 FRANK AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3309669090
Dr. Sharad H. Bhatt
Geriatric Psychiatry Physician
NPI Number: 1235161951
Address: 907 S MAIN ST North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304947302
Ms. Michelle L Walsh-Stewart
NPI Number: 1518999242
Address: 7442 FRANK AVENUE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304779720
Michael Johnson
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NPI Number: 1346273281
Address: 6046 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304331200
Aultman Hospital
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Address: 6100 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304529911
Wal-Mart Stores East Lp
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Sams East Inc
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Address: 4790 PORTAGE ST NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304977352
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NPI Number: 1245257088
Address: 6046 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304331400
Dr. Julie Lynn Oberly
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Sharad H. Bhatt Md, Inc
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Mrs. Lori Ann Marmon
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Address: 6046 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304941912
Aultman Health Foundation
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Address: 6100 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3303056999
Davies Drugs Inc
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Ohio Cvs Stores Llc
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NPI Number: 1477575280
Address: 5584 DRESSLER RD NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304944098
Dr. Dennis Robert Salapack
Dental Clinic/Center
NPI Number: 1033131214
Address: 7065 WALES AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304996300
Dr. Michael Cain
NPI Number: 1932122645
Address: 6822 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304990147
Stark County Auditor
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Address: 7235 WHIPPLE AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304939904
Dr. Leland Quinten Campbell II
NPI Number: 1720092745
Address: 1515 PORTAGE ST NW SUITE D North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304943201
Dr. Lawrence M Cohen
NPI Number: 1497769863
Address: 1515 PORTAGE ST NW SUITE A North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304944949
Fred W Albrecht Grocery Company
Community/Retail Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1104831031
Address: 1474 N MAIN ST North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304970645
Marc Glassman Inc
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Walgreen Co
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The Tamarkin Company
NPI Number: 1164437075
Address: 6493 STRIP AVE NW North Canton, OH 44720 , Phone: 3304971385

Dr. Anne M. Shingleton in Other Directories

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