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Mr. Linda A Hettinger

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NPI Number Detailed Information

Provider Information:

Name: Mr. Linda A Hettinger
Gender: F
Provider License Number If Given: 26NN06357500

NPI Information:

NPI: 1780629964
Entity Type
(Individual or Organization):
Enumeration Date: 6/19/2006

Last Update Date: 7/10/2007

Provider Business Mailing Address:

Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1
Emerson, NJ 07630
Phone Number: 2019678221
Fax Number:

Provider Business Practice Location Address:

Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1
Emerson, NJ 07630
Phone Number: 2019678221
Fax Number: 2016349647

Provider Taxonomy:

Primary: 363LP2300X
Secondary (if any):
State: NJ

Top Doctors in NJ


About Mr. Linda A Hettinger

Mr. Linda A Hettinger (MR. LINDA A HETTINGER ) is Definition Nurse Practitioner Physician in Emerson, NJ. The NPI Number for Mr. Linda A Hettinger is 1780629964.
The current location address for Mr. Linda A Hettinger is 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 and the contact number is 2019678221 and fax number is . The mailing address for Mr. Linda A Hettinger is 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630- 2019678221 (mailing address contact number - 2019678221).
Definition to come...

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What is the NPI Number for Mr. Linda A Hettinger ?

Answer: The NPI Number for Mr. Linda A Hettinger is 1780629964

Where is Mr. Linda A Hettinger located?

Answer: Mr. Linda A Hettinger is located at 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630.

What is the specialty for Mr. Linda A Hettinger ?

Answer: The Specialty of Mr. Linda A Hettinger is Definition Nurse Practitioner Physician.

Are there any online reviews for Mr. Linda A Hettinger ?

Answer: Not yet!

Are there any other health care providers in Emerson, NJ?

Answer: Yes, there are given below...

Medicare Physician & Other Practitioners

Information on services and procedures provided to Original Medicare (fee-for-service) Part B (Medical Insurance) beneficiaries by Mr. Linda A Hettinger

Number of HCPCS 12
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 88
Number of Services 111
Total Submitted Charge Amount 20915
Total Medicare Allowed Amount 10645.13
Total Medicare Payment Amount 5718.33
Total Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 4906.85
Drug Suppress Indicator *
Number of HCPCS Associated With Drug Services
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Drug Services
Number of Drug Services
Total Drug Submitted Charge Amount
Total Drug Medicare Allowed Amount
Total Drug Medicare Payment Amount
Total Drug Medicare Standardized Payment Amount
Medical Suppress Indicator #
Number of HCPCS Associated With Medical Services
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries With Medical
Number of Medical Services
Total Medical Submitted Charge Amount
Total Medical Medicare Allowed Amount
Total Medical Medicare Payment Amount
Total Medical Medicare Standardized Payment Amount
Average Age of Beneficiaries 76
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less 65
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 38
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 36
Number of Beneficiaries Age Greater 84
Number of Female Beneficiaries 65
Number of Male Beneficiaries 23
Number of Non-Hispanic White Beneficiaries
Number of Black or African American Beneficiaries
Number of Asian Pacific Islander Beneficiaries
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaska Native Beneficiaries
Number of Beneficiaries With Race Not Elsewhere Classified
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare & Medicaid Entitlement
Number of Beneficiaries With Medicare Only Entitlement
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Atrial Fibrillation 0.13
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Asthma
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Cancer 0.15
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Heart Failure
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Kidney Disease 0.2
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Depression 0.22
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Diabetes 0.26
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hyperlipidemia 0.6
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Hypertension 0.63
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Ischemic Heart Disease 0.32
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Osteoporosis 0.18
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis 0.55
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Schizophrenia / Other Psychotic Disorders
Percent (%) of Beneficiaries Identified With Stroke
Average HCC Risk Score of Beneficiaries 1.0062

Medicare Part D Prescribers

Information on prescription drugs provided to Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage), by physicians and other health care providers, aggregated by provider.

Provider Specialty Type Nurse Practitioner
Source of Provider Specialty
Number of Medicare Part D Claims, Including Refills 348
Number of Standardized 30-Day Fills 764.63333333
Aggregate Cost Paid for All Claims 39394.59
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims 21787
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries 96
Number of Claims, Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 315
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 719.2
Beneficiaries Age 65+ 36715.05
Number of Day's Supply for All Claims for Beneficaries Age 65+ 20432
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+
Reason for Suppression of Brnd_Tot_Clms and Brnd_Tot_Drug_Cst #
Total Claims of Brand-Name Drugs
Reason for Suppression of Gnrc_Tot_Clms and Gnrc_Tot_Drug_Cst
Total Claims of Generic Drugs, Including Refills 273
Aggregate Cost Paid for Generic Drugs 7609.27
Reason for Suppression of Othr_Tot_Clms and Othr_Tot_Drug_Cst *
Total Claims of Other Drugs, Including Refills
Aggregate Cost Paid for Other Drugs
Reason for Suppression of MAPD_Tot_Clmsand MAPD_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by MAPD Plans 89
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by Beneficiaries in MAPD Plans 8076.75
Reason for Suppression of PDP_Tot_Clms and PDP_Tot_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Standalone PDP Plans 259
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Filled by 31317.84
Reason for Suppression of LIS_Tot_Clms and LIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 67
Aggregate Cost Paid for Claims Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 3741.72
Reason for Suppression of NonLIS_Tot_Clms and NonLIS_Drug_Cst
Number of Claims for Beneficiaries Not Covered by Low-Income Subsidy 281
by Low-Income Subsidy 35652.87
Total Claims of Opioid Drugs, Including
Aggregate Cost Paid for Opioid Drugs
Opioid Claims
Opioid_Tot_Clms divided by the Tot_Clms
Total Claims of Long-Acting Opioid Drugs
Aggregate Cost Paid for Long-Acting Opioid
Number of Day's Supply of All Long-Acting
Long-Acting Opioid Claims
Opioid_LA_Tot_Clms divided by the
Total Claims of Antibiotic Drugs, Including 22
Aggregate Cost Paid for Antibiotic Drugs 263.9
Antibiotic Claims 22
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Clms and Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Drug_Cst
Including Refills, for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 0
Aggregate Cost Paid for AntipsychoticDrugs for Beneficiaries Age 65+ 0
Reason for Suppression of Antpsyct_GE65_Tot_Benes
Number of Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65+Filling Antipsychotic Claims
Average Age of Beneficiaries 74.927083333
Number of Beneficiaries Age Less Than 65
Number of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74
Number of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84
Number of Female Beneficiaries 68
Number of Male Beneficiaries 28
Number of Non-Hispanic White 83
Number of Black or African American
Number of Asian Pacific Islander
Number of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number of American Indian/Alaskan NativeBeneficiaries 0
Number of Beneficiaries with Race Not
Only Entitlement
Average Hierarchical Condition Category 0.905875

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Vivian K. Bethala, Md Pa
NPI Number: 1568412799
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 9 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012611005
Dr. Mark Dombrowski
Family Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1043263916
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD 2ND FLOOR Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Dr. Carol Glaubiger
Internal Medicine Physician
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Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD 2ND FLOOR Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Bergen County Family Chiropractic
Physical Therapist
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Address: 235 FOREST AVE Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012625539
Dr. Lester Levine
Internal Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1225084452
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD 2ND FLOOR Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Robert Pearson Do Pa
Family Medicine Physician
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Address: 85 KINDERKAMACK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012620608
Dr. Mrudula S Shukla
Obstetrics & Gynecology Physician
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD STE 21 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012628777
Dr. Dennis J Long
NPI Number: 1295774008
Address: 235 FOREST AVE Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012625539
Old Hook Medical Associates, Llc
Internal Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1417998303
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD 2ND FLOOR Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Dr. David Goldstein
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1063453348
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD 2ND FLOOR Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Dr. Robert H Pittman
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1043254535
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Debora K Geller
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016498100
Dr. Vivian E Lan
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE #1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Mr. Linda A Hettinger
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1780629964
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Irwin R Rosenberg
Gastroenterology Physician
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE #1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Old Hook Medical Associates, Llc
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NPI Number: 1720014830
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Dr. Joseph S Fleischer
Internal Medicine Physician
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE #1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 219678221
Frank Louis Mastrianno
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD STE #38 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012620333
Dr. Stephen J Margulis
Gastroenterology Physician
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Eric S Avezzano
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1578591814
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE #1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Alan J Briker
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NPI Number: 1942238654
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Crystal N Broussard
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1114955846
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Bergen Gastroenterology Pc
Gastroenterology Physician
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Allen R Griggs
Internal Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1912935669
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Holly Cullen
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1023048584
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Anthony R Delillo
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1356372536
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Dr. Robert S Levine
Gastroenterology Physician
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Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Raymond B Calantone
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1578588810
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD STE 5 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012658000
Dr. Carnig C Shakarjian
Foot & Ankle Surgery Podiatrist
NPI Number: 1720007743
Address: 99 KINDERKAMACK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019861633
Tracy Lynne Walker
Cardiovascular Disease Physician
NPI Number: 1003836123
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD STE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019678221
Rehabilitation And Stimulation
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1427079607
Address: 85 KINDERKAMACK RD STE 101 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2017500033
Dr. Bradley David Geller
Ophthalmology Physician
NPI Number: 1780607580
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 24E Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012657515
Alyse R Bellomo
Gastroenterology Physician
NPI Number: 1700890837
Address: 466 OLD HOOK ROAD SUITE 1 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 5182720234
Danielle B Groves
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician
NPI Number: 1679580823
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD FL 2 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Dr. Frederick William Denike
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1114936838
Address: 24 EMERSON PLAZA WEST Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2015990001
Ion Healthcare Corporation
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1225141542
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD STE 102 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012611119
Emerson Family Dental Care
NPI Number: 1548374861
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 243 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012616688
Dr. Anthony Peter Volpe SR.
Internal Medicine Physician
NPI Number: 1801900824
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE# 14 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012626485
Inserra Supermarket Incorporated
Community/Retail Pharmacy
NPI Number: 1679688444
Address: 425 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012621722
Claudia Koziol
Physical Therapist
NPI Number: 1992815609
Address: 440 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012650500
Aileen Twomey
Family Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1619073434
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD 2ND FLOOR Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Joseph D. Fishkin
Ophthalmology Physician
NPI Number: 1407953540
Address: 85 KINDERKAMACK RD SUITE 201 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2013839140
Emerson Pharmacy Inc
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
NPI Number: 1497853832
Address: 4 EMERSON PLAZA WEST Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012624999
Melanie M. Robles-Jain
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
NPI Number: 1134227309
Address: 452 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2016663900
Mrs. Inna Valentina Litrovnik
Clinical Social Worker
NPI Number: 1891895066
Address: 182 RANDOLPH AVE Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 7186764205
Dr. Archer Katz
NPI Number: 1568558005
Address: 310 MAIN ST Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012613364
Archer M. Katz Dmd Pa
NPI Number: 1891881355
Address: 310 MAIN ST Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012613364
Dr. Ira Esformes
Orthopaedic Surgery Physician
NPI Number: 1104914084
Address: 440 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2013580707
Bergen Ambulatory Anesthesia
Anesthesiology Physician
NPI Number: 1316020662
Address: 466 OLD HOOK RD SUITE 19 Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2019672455
Dr. Philip A. Spagnesi
General Practice Dentistry
NPI Number: 1568546075
Address: 449 OLD HOOK RD Emerson, NJ 07630 , Phone: 2012658600

Mr. Linda A Hettinger in Other Directories

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